A walk around Tbilisi


One of the key historical cities in the world, which, in addition to the original culture of Georgia, absorbed particles of the historical past under the influence of Arabs, Persians, Ottomans, and later Europeans and Russians. This is one of those places that Pushkin, Lermontov, Tolstoy, Griboyedov, Tchaikovsky, Gorky, Chaliapin and many other classics of Russian and world literature, music and painting loved very much. Like for many centuries, this city attracts the creative intelligentsia, which always remains outside of political conventions and restrictions.

1 review
Tower in Tbilisi
Rezo Gabriadze Clock Tower
Church in Tbilisi
Kashveti Church
The cathedral in Tbilisi
Tbilisi Sioni Cathedral
Entertainment park in Tbilisi
Mtatsminda Amusement Park
Museum in Tbilisi
Tbilisi Auto Museum
City Park in Tbilisi
Rike Park
Museum in Tbilisi
Art Palace
Sight in Tbilisi
House of Justice
Botanical Garden in Tbilisi
National Botanical Garden
Museum in Tbilisi

The first thing that excites is the variety of architecture, which tells about the huge history of the city. One moment you feel like you're somewhere in the Middle East, the other in modern Europe

Freedom Square with the monument of Zurab Tsereteli.

Each of the places associatively takes you to hundreds of visited cities around the world. But still, it is an absolutely unique and authentic city.

One of the buildings of Old Tbilisi

The renovated Karvasla Hotel

The historic buildings are adjacent to the magnificent palaces of the 19th century

Building Georgian National Opera House

You can endlessly admire the colonnades propping up historical buildings.

Magnificent decoration of shop windows and cafes

Khurjini store, where you can buy all kinds of jams, churchkhela, persimmon persimmon with nuts and much more

Squares and squares where young people gather in the evenings.

Monument to Shota Rustaveli near the entrance to the Rustaveli metro station

But special attention is focused on the details. 

The building of architect Shchusev in the 30s of the 20th century, where it was located  The Marx-Engels-Lenin Institute. Since 1992, the Parliament of Georgia has been located here, and from 1995 to 2007 the Constitutional Court. Georgia. Now it is the Biltmore Hotel in Tbilisi

Another of the beautiful buildings on Shota Rustaveli Avenue. Here it is worth paying attention to the unusual balconies and cornices

The city is divided into several districts, which, it seemed to me, reflect their era. At the same time, the transitions are so imperceptible that you do not have time to feel how you turn out to be completely different from one world.

The architect's building Mikhail Ogandzhanov, built in 1915. It was used as a building of the National Bank of Georgia. Currently, the National Manuscript Center of Georgia, the Ministry of Reconciliation and Civil Equality and the State Agency for Religious Affairs

The buildings tell about the resistance of the people, protests and the desire to choose their own path: these are graffiti-painted walls, chipped symbols of the Soviet past, and many flags.

Building The Government House of the Georgian SSR in 1953, now the Georgian Parliament building. The coat of arms of the USSR has been beaten off from above - in Georgia it is forbidden to use Soviet-era symbols on government buildings.

But still, my view focuses on the architecture of the early 20th century. Each of the buildings tells us about the value of that time. Bas-reliefs, cornices, porticos, balconies can be viewed for hours.

One of the buildings in the classical style on Ingorokva Street, which belonged to Melikhov. In 1915, it was recognized as one of the most beautiful houses in Georgia.

Another equally interesting building on Ingorokva Street

The building of merchant Alexander Melik-Azaryants, built in 1915, is unique in its architecture

Chugureti is one of the oldest districts of Tbilisi. Its construction was carried out in the 18th and 19th centuries under the influence of German colonists. The architecture here is completely different from the other part of the city.

Another building in the Chugureti area

A magnificent square Kote Marjanishvili in the Chugureti area. Its construction was carried out by the German colonies of Neu Tiflis and Alexanderdorf in the early 19th century.

One of the modern places is the Peace Bridge, which, although it causes a lot of controversy, is definitely one of the central places of the current city center. I would call it a bridge between the past and the future, which embodies the connection of epochs.

The Bridge of Peace

The bridge offers excellent views of the city, Rike Park and, of course, the Kura River.

The Kura River from the Peace Bridge

Outdoor cafes with open verandas. Tight seating for guests, open menus and inviting hostesses. And at this moment you feel like you are in Istanbul.

Cafe on the street Heraclius II

At the same time, once in the Chugureti area, the cafes already resemble European streets.

Cafe on the transitional part of David Agmashenebeli Avenue

It is difficult to imagine the number of cultures and times concentrated in this area.

Vakhtang Gorgasali Square is the oldest square in Tbilisi. Narikala Fortress is visible from above.

Meydan Bazaar Underground Market

Flea markets open in the city on weekends, where you can buy from old utensils to priceless historical artifacts.

The flea market on the Guram Dochanashvili Bridge

Street trading on Shota Rustaveli Avenue

A little away from the city there is an interesting monument "Chronicle of Georgia", created by Zurab Tsereteli in 1985. Majestic and monumental.

Monument "Chronicle of Georgia"

Its observation deck offers a view of the Tbilisi Reservoir, or as it is popularly called — the "Tbilisi Sea".

Tbilisi Sea

In a day and a half, we didn't manage to see as much as we would like. I would advise you to stock up on more time. In addition, it is worth considering that the historical part of the city is located on a hill, so you will have to walk (and walk a lot) along the slides. A large number of pavements will require good shoes. As for the time of year to visit – May turned out to be a great period, the temperature was about 20 degrees.

Panoramic view of Tbilisi

This is a really beautiful and busy city. One of those cities in the world that is definitely worth visiting. And another small recommendation is to communicate in English. Despite the fact that the country was part of the Russian Empire and then the USSR for almost two centuries, more than 36 years have passed since the country gained independence. Unfortunately, the younger generations have not all retained their knowledge of the Russian language.

From Tbilisi, I went to Armenia (which will be described in separate publications), but the return trip took me through the cities of Borjomi, Batumi, Poti and Kutaisi. They will be discussed in the following publications.

Stories from the trip

September 15, 2024 10:22 pm



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