Traditions and culture

Traditions and culture
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Traditions and culture

Traditions and culture of the countries of the world
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In many countries, alternative names or abbreviations appear over time. Some of them characterize the features of the city better than the name itself. Here is a list of the most common names of cities.

Milan Cathedral. Milan, Italy

Tatiana Sopik

Serbia officially has two alphabets: Vukovica — Cyrillic and Gaevica — Latin. Many people claim that Serbian is close to Slavic and easy to pronounce and remember, so here are 10 phrases to make you feel at home in Serbia

Stanica Kalemegdan, Beograd, Serbia

Marina Golub

There are thousands of hats in the world, and in this post we will talk about the most outstanding of them.

Topi Ary

Asian countries are unique in their uniqueness – ancient culture and traditions make them very attractive to tourists from all over the world. Thailand is no exception. 10 short facts about Thailand that will surprise and arouse curiosity, as well as help you navigate the local traditions of such a colorful and vibrant country.

Topi Ary

Thailand is an amazing exotic country with a rich culture and traditions that have been formed over many centuries. Each country has its own characteristics that every tourist needs to know in order not to find themselves in an awkward situation.

Bangkok, Thailand

Marina Golub

In every country, people have characteristics and habits that can be called national. I think it will be interesting for you to learn about everyday habits in different countries of the world. In this post, we will tell you about the five most common habits.

Marina Golub

Russia celebrates the Orthodox Christmas on January 7. In this review, you will learn about the tradition of celebrating Christmas in Russia.

Marina Golub

Everyone is used to celebrating the New Year in their own way, with their own traditions and customs. In this post, we will tell you about how the New Year is celebrated in different countries of the world.

Marina Golub

The long-awaited spring brings sunshine, warmth and spring holidays to every city! I wonder what spring holidays are celebrated in different countries of the world? In this post, we will talk about what is customary to celebrate in spring in different parts of our planet.

Spring tulips