Travel Stories

Travel Stories
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Travel Stories

Tales of travel from around the world
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On the eve of New Year's it's impossible to resist the desire to travel to a completely new place and chart a new course. To make the experience even more thrilling, you can use a little trick - you don't research the location beforehand and get to experience the new place for the first time. That's how I like to approach a new place and it's these experiences that I will tell you about later...

Modern architecture, neatness and absolute cleanliness.

Lana Gardmann

Ask me, would I like to live in Montenegro? And I will say yes. And if it's Podgorica? And my answer is no. So yes or no?!

From 1952 to 1992, the city was called Titograd. After the collapse of Yugoslavia, it returned to its historical name - Podgorica. Which means, literally, under the mountain.


There is a saying that other people's children grow up quickly. The same can be said of the Dubai project. Many years ago, when I first walked along the beach in Dubai Marina, I saw an open sea and a small island with wave breakers. A few years later, piles of building materials appeared, followed by strange machinery. Then, a few years later, strange forms of the observation wheel's foundations appeared. And now, less than a month after the official opening, I'm rising up in this wheel 250 meters above the same beach where I once watched the sea.

Hello travelers from the other cabin :)


Yes, it happened! About a year before that, I happened to be on a transfer at Manama airport. There was even a separate post about it. Now it's time to explore the country itself.

View of the embankment and the twin towers


One of the most advanced security services operates in Israel, and the Internet is full of stories about the difficulties of crossing the border, harsh inspections and other, by no means the most pleasant, stories. But it's one thing to read on the Internet, another thing is to check for yourself on personal experience.

Lana Gardmann

Perast. The name of this town should be stored in your head so that if you travel to Montenegro, you will definitely visit it, because it is worth it.

Perast is so small that you can even say it is a small, but very pleasant and picturesque town.

Lana Gardmann

Budva is undoubtedly the most popular and visited resort in Montenegro. There are many reasons for this: a city with an organized infrastructure, shops, restaurants, parks and a large number of hotels and apartments for every taste. And a stunning natural environment.

Budva is located under a mountain range on the Adriatic coast. In 1979, there was a large-scale earthquake of 7 points on the Richter scale and 9 points on the Mercalli scale. The epicenter was located in the sea between Bar and Ulcinj, 14 kilometers from the shore, the depth of the shock was 12 km.

Lana Gardmann

Galitsky Park in Krasnodar is a spectacular place not only because of its colossal grandeur. It is a great event in the world of landscape architecture and park construction.

Olives in the pots and Art object 'Geolocation'.

Lana Gardmann

We visited the bar twice, passing through. Once we went to Ada Bojana, the other time, I think, to Podgorica.

The beach at the Bar. Perhaps the most cozy under the crowns of such pines.