The natural environment

The natural environment
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The natural environment

We discuss nature reserves, mountains, forests and other creations of wildlife
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Mountains are wonders of the world, which attract many brave souls and travelers from all over the world.

Marina Golub

The world is full of wonderful natural attractions and waterfalls are one of them. The water falling from the mountains fascinates with its beauty and power. In this post, we will tell you about the five most famous large and amazing waterfalls.

Niagara Falls, USA


The Aurora borealis is the most magical natural phenomenon that will remain in your memory for the rest of your life! To see it, you need to know where and when to go. A short guide on where it is better to go to enjoy the spectacle of the northern lights.

Lana Gardmann

It is enough to look at this road on the map to want to go there.


Lana Gardmann

Every traveler has their own personal entry point into space. The shortest way for all is to plunge into the original nature without any preparation, on improvised bridges.

Marina Golub

Most travelers like not only adventures, incredible landscapes, but also places where you can see the most beautiful sunsets. In this post, you will find out where you can enjoy the sunset.

Marina Golub

The rainiest countries in the world tend to have a tropical monsoon climate – when a sustained drought sets in after a rainy season. If you are planning a trip to tropical countries, it is worth getting acquainted with the period that is good for traveling.


Volcanoes are the most frightening, dangerous and interesting phenomenon of nature. It can change lives, geography and much more.

Lana Gardmann

I can't get rid of the interpretation of divine creations in the form of: "Come on, the water will just flow over the ground and fall off the mountain. And they'll just stand there and watch it. And they will be delighted!"

Krivitsky waterfall in Bosnia and Herzegovina.