Travel StoriesTravel Stories

Kiselev Rock


The most interesting fact about Kiselev's Rock turned out to be that this is where the fishing episode from the 'Diamond Hand' was filmed. Did you watch it?

Kiselyov Rock – a natural monument in Tuapse District of Krasnodar Krai. Notable for its sheer smooth wall that reaches a height of 46 meters and a width of 60 meters. Kiselev Rock is located on the shore of the Black Sea, four kilometers northwest of Tuapse, between the Cape Kadosh and the mouth of the Agoy River.

Tourists were most impressed. The courage was master sportsman level. Motivation of Tony Robinson. Vertical rock wall, no safety precautions. Queue. Immediately interested in the statistics of falls, but it was below threshold, which was also amazing, because the place was extreme, honestly!

Kiselev Rock. Geologists will tell about the origin of the mountain rock.

Kiselev Rock is a popular place. When visiting such natural beauty, an primal tremor always appears; the rock formations are so amazing that they can be admired for hours. There is always a desire to have a pocket geologist next to you, who will tell you what it is all called, where it came from, and how many billions of trillions of years it has all been happening.

The cliff on the Black Sea coast. Tuapse district. Pines.

It's also interesting about the trees. You know, they're on the rocks, the soil there is conditional. Well, the freezing in this belt is not Siberian and we don't have an ice age. The ability to adapt, survive and have a beautiful look - this is what humanity sometimes gets a three. Especially in such conditions. Always take an example from nature.

View from the Cliff to the Black Sea. It's actually January.

The beach strip at the foot of the Kiselev Rock. Martian textures.

Mr. Crabs

Pay attention to the bottom.

Season of jellyfish.

View from Kiseleva Rock

Mountain rock. It is amazing, such a distinct geometric cleavage.

At the top of the cliff, the forest is very beautiful and bright.

Winter landscapes of Krasnodar Krai. Absolutely my favourite climate zone.



It's a January! A dream.

Miscanthus is Chinese. I don't think it was deliberately planted there.

You should definitely visit the forest next to the Kiselev rock. It's magical.

For travelers in the Krasnodar Krai, a tip: if you're located in Lazarevsky, get to Tuapse quickly. You can really have a great time there - nature is just amazing!


March 19, 2024 04:49 pm



Write a comment
September 25, 2022 12:11 am
What a transparent sea. I really like your photos. I've never even heard of this place. I'll save it for the future, thank you
Piter Row
September 16, 2022 07:46 am
The view from the cliff is gorgeous. This is one of those places that is really worth a trip 👍