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Where to see golden autumn in Russia?


Autumn is a time for reflection and taking stock. This time of year can help us appreciate what we have and be grateful for everything we have. Therefore, you need to spend it in the best and most beautiful places where this time of year turns into a fairy tale.


Autumn romance in a city that has preserved the spirit of old Europe: ancient castles, hundred-year-old paving stones, special flavor - you will find all this in Kaliningrad. The parks and coastline of the Baltic Sea are especially beautiful in autumn. During this wonderful time, you can have a great walk along the quiet paths, admiring nature as it prepares for hibernation. Warm and melancholy Kaliningrad remains the warmest memory in the heart for a long time.

Kaliningrad, Pregolya River


The slopes of the Caucasus Mountains are painted in a variety of colors. Bright red, fiery red and gold - the palette of colors used by nature is truly diverse. Autumn is a great time to contemplate the mountains of the North Caucasus; it is at this time of year that the mountains are buried in autumn colors and the pleasant coolness. Is the ideal time for hiking and active trips to see crystal mountain rivers, alpine lakes and crazy waterfalls.

Teberda Nature Reserve, Karachay-Cherkessia

The main resorts of Karachay-Cherkessia are Dombay and Arkhyz. They are equipped with cable cars and offer a variety of scenic walking routes lasting from one to several days.

Arkhyz is often called “the land of a thousand lakes.” All of thousand lakes acquire a special bright blue color in autumn! This place is also famous for its thermal springs which will warm and heal you even in late autumn.

Autumn Caucasus Mountains


The first half of autumn is not only the most beautiful time to visit Karelia, but also the most convenient. The insects that plague summer tourists disappear, the trees turn into all shades of yellow and red, the forests are full of mushrooms and berries, and the lakes are full of fish. Karelia is a place where everyone will find relaxation for themselves. Hiking in the mountains and forests is suitable if you like active recreation. Karelia offers many excursions to historical sites and museums, various types of fishing and cozy campsites.

Republic of Karelia, Russia


The Altai region is beautiful at any time of the year and in autumn its landscapes acquire a special charm. The endless Altai expanses take on an absolutely amazing appearance in the fall - the foothills of the mountains are painted with gold and blush. The majestic peaks are shrouded in snow caps. There are also many lakes in Altai that amaze with their beauty and cleanliness. Lake Teletskoye is one of the deepest and most beautiful lakes in Russia. The nature of Altai attracts tourists from all over the world with its beauty and uniqueness. Here you can enjoy clean air, beautiful views and active recreation such as skiing, mountaineering and rafting.

Karakol Lakes, Altai Republic, Russia


Lake Seliger is one of the most beautiful places in Russia located in the Tver and Novgorod regions. Autumn is the most pleasant time to visit it. The fiery shores of the famous lake can be caught only a couple of weeks a year. The lake is surrounded by picturesque forests and hills as well as many small villages and towns, where you can find many historical and cultural attractions including ancient monasteries, temples and museums.

Seliger, Tver region

Konduki, Tula region

Konduki is a group of flooded quarries with blue waters. Such a “mountainous” landscape are not typical for the landscapes of the central region of Russia. Trees growing on the slopes are covered with bright yellow foliage in autumn. These colors blend harmoniously with the shade of water and add an extraordinary atmosphere to this place.

Konduki, Tula region


Vyborg is an ancient city located in the north of the Leningrad region. It has a rich history, which is reflected in its architecture. Autumn Vyborg is a medieval fairy tale with endless romance and comfort. It is worth strolling along the narrow streets that create an atmosphere of embrace. You have to walk along the cobbled Red Square, see the oldest residential building in Russia and go up to the observation deck of the Vyborg Castle. Enjoy the scenery and clean air of the Vyborg Bay.

Vyborg, Leningrad region


Baikal is a unique place of peace and tranquility which is especially beautiful along with the bright colors of autumn! The deepest lake in the world and one of the main vacation spots for millions of travelers. You have to see Baikal in autumn when the forests have changed color are reflected in the water, like in a giant mirror. This opportunity should not be missed.

Lake Baikal

There are a huge number of places in Russia that are worth visiting and traveling in autumn. Fill your emotions with indescribable atmosphere and colors of one of the most beautiful countries in the world!


April 7, 2024 01:29 am



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