Pskov. Why you just have to visit this city.


If any foreigner had asked me, "Which city would you recommend visiting in Russia?" I would have immediately started the story with this city. And it's not because of the famous inscription "Russia begins here." This city can be called one of the most beautiful places in our country.

A little bit about the city itself

The central part of the city is located inside the fortress walls. You walk around a modern, clean, beautiful city, and then you understand why it's warm and comfortable here - the walls (which sometimes look like embankments) protect the city from the wind.

The city has a large number of beautiful buildings from different eras in excellent condition.

The building of offices from the XVIII to the middle of the XIX century, now the government building

Soviet artifacts

St. Basil the Great Church on the Hill

But the greatest delight comes when you find yourself near the Kremlin.

Pskov Chrome

The Pskov Kremlin is called "krom", which etymologically comes from the word "feed" – food. From the same word came the well-known words "stern" (the back of the ship, where the food supply was located), "bins", "pitchy", "secluded", "modest" (if about food, then in the meaning of "meager")

According to the chronicles, Pskov Krom has never been inhabited. The locals kept food and other valuable supplies in it.

Vasilyevskaya Tower

Krom is surrounded by preserved fortress walls

Dovmont's sword with the coat of arms of the city

Inside, the ground level is significantly higher than the level outside the walls.

There are places where archaeological excavations were carried out, but now all work has stopped

The height of the walls outside

There are many towers along the walls. Some of them have been restored and can be visited.

A flat tower, followed by a tall tower. And in the distance, the restored Varlamovskaya Tower

Trinity Cathedral

Outside the walls

The route of travel in Pskov should not end with a visit to the Kremlin, but begin with it. Going beyond its borders, the most incredible beauty opens up, which turns this city into one of the most beautiful preserved places in Russia.

The embankment and the Olginsky Bridge

Church of Cosmas and Damian from the Rattling Mountain

The Rattling Tower

Inside the Rattling Tower

Pskov River and very pleasant modern houses of local residents

Those same hills and the posture of the fortress walls that make the city incredibly cozy

The famous inscription

"Russia starts here." Although geographically it is not so, but it feels like it is impossible to disagree.

March 23, 2024 06:14 pm



Write a comment
Mildred Agosto
March 23, 2024 06:14 pm
Wow! Is this really Russia? Unbelievable. It looks like Northern Europe
October 21, 2022 01:07 am
My grandmother used to say: 'We are Pskov.' She was from Porkhov.
October 4, 2022 07:15 pm
How beautiful!!!!!! 😍😍😍
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