Travel StoriesTravel Stories

Departure from Israel


Separate stories can be heard about the departure from Israel. Here, too, there is both a full search and an interrogation. I was lucky and had no adventures.

Arriving at an empty airport in advance (and this should always be done when flying to or from Israel, since additional security checks and queues for them can be long), I went to a cafe waiting for the start of check-in. As in the whole city on Shabbat, all cafes and shops in the chekin area were closed. The only one who worked was McDonald's. And then, in the number of one employee.

Cafe at Ben Gurion Airport in Israel on Shabbat. The only foreigner prepares and issues orders himself.

Cash and cards are accepted at food ordering terminals (in other countries, only card payments are possible at terminals)

It should be noted that it was Saturday and Shabbat, which is why the flight was moved to another terminal 5 kilometers from the one indicated on the tickets. However, there was a free bus that took him to it, which is an amazing and pleasant fact, since public transport does not work in Israel on Shabbat.

A boarding pass was issued at check-in, but in addition to it, to pass through passport control, as it turned out, you also need a sticker with a barcode, which is issued at the entrance to the airport after communicating with the security service and checking things. Surprisingly, when I arrived, there was no one at the entrance, the passage to the airport was free and, of course, no one issued a sticker.

After standing in line, the representative of the security service asked for the full names of parents and relatives. I didn't check the backpack, but other passengers opened their suitcases and laid out all the things. This is a very strange approach, considering that I could hand over my suitcase at check-in without going through security.

Then the whole process is automated - before each section (passport control and scanning of things), you show a sticker and you are allowed to pass. Passport control is automatic: it is enough to scan your passport and take a photo.

In the departure area, despite the Sabbath, some cafes and shops are still open

I will make a separate publication about my personal impressions of Shabbat, but you should know that the only way to get to the airport from Friday evening to Saturday night is by taxi. Yandex operates in Israel.Go, payment can be specified in cash if there is no international card. The fare from the center of Tel Aviv on Saturday morning on empty roads was about 100 shekels (about 2000 rubles at the time of the trip).


March 19, 2024 05:11 pm



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