Ethnographic Open-air Museum, Tbilisi 

Open-air Ethnographic Museum
Open-air Ethnographic Museum

Ethnographic open air Museum (Ethnographic Museum, თბილისის ეთნოგრაფიული მუზეუმი ღია ცის ქვეშ) is a Museum village, established in 1966, the Georgian historian and ethnographer George Reading. Here you can study the development of the culture of the Georgian people, the architecture of the districts of Georgia and the way of life of different eras. The museum's territory is divided into 14 zones, each of which describes a specific region.

Contact information

კუს ტბის ქუჩა, Tbilisi
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About the museum

Open-air Ethnographic Museum

Open-air Ethnographic Museum

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Frequently Asked Questions

How much does the entrance ticket cost?