Travel difficulties: six psychological barriers and how to deal with them

Tatiana Sopik

Any tourist is, first of all, a person with a certain psychological profile. Researchers have confirmed the existence of six types of basic psychological barriers that tourists may encounter when traveling.

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Sight in Kutaisi
Monument of labor glory
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Tower in Tbilisi
Rezo Gabriadze Clock Tower
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Square in Batumi
Europe Square
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Sight in Batumi
Astronomical clock of Batumi
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Theatre in Kutaisi
Opera and Ballet Theatre
Entertainment park in Tbilisi
Mtatsminda Amusement Park
Monastery in Kutaisi
Motsameta Monastery
Waterfall in Batumi
Mahuntseti Waterfall
Museum in Tbilisi
Art Palace
The cathedral in Tbilisi
Tbilisi Sioni Cathedral

1. Physical barrier

The physical barrier is characterized by reasonable concerns related to the difficulties of acclimatization, poor health after a flight or move, intolerance to local weather conditions and the disease of long-term movements, as well as changes in eating habits and daily routines formed over a steady period of time. As a rule, no one expects the negative consequences of a complete change in the picture of life and everyone treats it differently. For some, moving is easy, and someone may even get sick.

Solution: first of all, you should prepare for the trip both mentally and physically, study the features of the area where you are going, collect the necessary knowledge on the climatic situation and self-help methods during acclimatization. To adjust the daily routine and nutrition, to complete the tasks that have been started, so as not to worry about unresolved issues during the trip. Consult with experts or in thematic communities on issues of concern. Consider the variety of physical activities depending on the type of vacation you choose: a beach resort will require much less effort than hiking tours under the scorching sun. Here, of course, everything is individual, but knowledge of your physiological resources and how to restore them is necessary at a fundamental level.

2. The psycho-emotional barrier

A psychoemotional barrier arises from fear of nervous overstrain, stress, emotional distress, mental discomfort associated with concerns about living conditions, food, service, the financial side of the issue and a host of other factors that in ordinary life and in familiar territory seem easily manageable, but remain beyond the indefinite when traveling. Especially in conditions of vacation or travel, when it is necessary and allowed to enjoy life, and you need to go with young children when things are complicated by everyday issues.

The psychological barrier is formed mainly from external sources of incoming information of a negative nature, which was obtained from the media and personal or public feedback from people.

How to cope: be critical of incoming information and check the facts on the spot, not to be influenced by others, or learn to think and make decisions on your own. Carefully collect data about the way of travel and the place of rest, so as not to be unprepared for deviations from your own expectations. Do not build illusions about the inspiration of the place of rest, so as not to be later disappointed or deceived by your own fantasies. To really look at things and be responsible for your psychological state, as well as for the condition of your fellow travelers. Always remember that in any country you can ask for help, regardless of the type of problem.

3. Communication barrier

The communication barrier arises primarily due to ignorance of the language and cultural traditions and customs, the inability to use local means of transportation or obtaining information, and fear of an unfavorable criminal situation in the host country.

People with a communication barrier often suffer from this in their usual territory, not to mention transcontinental travel or international travel. Shyness, shyness, stiffness, the habit of being unobtrusive and other personality qualities force a traveler to feel uncomfortable in an unfamiliar environment and instead of resting, fight with himself and his complexes.

Solution: first, you should familiarize yourself with the rules of conduct in a particular country or area, gestures of greeting and farewell, and learn a couple of phrases in the local language. A communication barrier may arise among disparate age or gender groups or social strata of the population, however, it is worth remembering that tourist status is a fairly common term in tourist countries and everyone understands that you may encounter certain difficulties. As a rule, people come to the rescue or delegate it to other specialists. Kindness and openness always help people in their initial interaction with each other. Sometimes a simple sincere smile is enough so that you are not denied a request or a question is not answered.

4. Economic barrier

The economic barrier is characterized by concerns about upcoming financial expenses, possible lack of money, high cost, or elementary deception. The financial issue of travel is quite relevant and money should always be controlled.

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Freedom Monument
Concert Hall in Jurmala
Dzintari Concert Hall
Botanical Garden in Dobele
Peteris Upitis Garden and Museum
Promenade in Jelgava
Jelgava Embankment
The cathedral in Koknese
Koknese Lutheran Church
Waterfall in Kuldiga
Alekshupit waterfall
The cathedral in Jelgava
St Simeon and St Anne's Cathedral
Sculpture in Riga
The Bremen Town Musicians

How to decide: the law of the traveler says — to have 2 times more money with you than is calculated for the trip. It is not necessary to spend them at all, but the "extra money" on the card or in the wallet should always be in reserve. Study the specifics of the country where you are going, familiarize yourself with criminal statistics, follow the rules for exchanging and storing funds in cash and in bank accounts, do not keep all your savings in a hotel safe if you are traveling in the company of relatives and friends, agree on the financial part of the issue in the sense of joint spending and an inviolable reserve.

Vigilance in economic matters should be at a high level. Try not to exceed your daily expenses. Try to change at the airport only the amount that will be needed to get to the city, where there will be a more profitable course.

Study which taxi apps work in the country and install them in advance. By ordering a taxi online, you will avoid possible overpayment and fraud. Ask the guides about the cost of the tour and possible additional costs. It's good if you have any of the financial applications at hand that will help you monitor expenses and make a forecast until the end of the trip.

5. Cultural barrier

The cultural barrier is formed due to ignorance or complete rejection of the national and cultural characteristics of the host country. The degree of severity of the cultural barrier will be influenced by 2 factors: the duration of stay in a foreign country and the degree of emotional impact from a diametric culture.

A tourist's reaction to unfamiliar traditions depends on their individual characteristics, and when choosing a tour or vacation destination, motivation must be taken into account: in some cases, it is acquaintance with another culture that inspires people to make a trip, on the other hand, for an unprepared tourist, local surprises can become a real cultural shock.

The impact of a foreign culture can have a strong impact and affect the health of a traveler to a greater extent than the climate, lack of habitual food and sanitary conditions. Contacts with local residents can also significantly affect the overall picture of a tourist's impressions of a given country.

Solution: eliminate the factor of expectations and reality from your daily existence. Stop fantasizing about pictures from the Internet and speculate on the countless number of public posts on thematic forums and in communities. To know the basic cultural principles of world culture — European, Asian and others. Any trip is primarily an impression, even if what you see or hear causes you a sharp reaction, try to remember that you are on vacation and specially came to immerse yourself in another world. Do not focus on possible negativity, try not to spoil your mood and be able to relax and relax.

6. The language barrier

The language barrier is currently the most widespread and most exaggerated sector of interaction difficulties. Even if the traveler speaks a foreign language quite well, the language barrier will still make itself felt due to the specific features of the national culture that affects language communication. Here, as they say, there is no upper limit compared to native native speakers, and the speech of any polyglot theorist will somehow differ from the speech of the local population.

How to cope: sometimes it makes no sense to specifically learn the language if you are planning a "package tour" in a country in which you will not leave the hotel. The staff will be able to respond either in a universal language, usually English, or invite a consultant with knowledge of the language of your country. Moreover, all modern gadgets are equipped with translators, which can significantly improve the process of exchanging necessary information.

Almost all tourist countries have translation guides or local guides with knowledge of the language of the main tourist flows that they serve. To be at least a little "in the saddle", try to learn a few phrases: how to say hello, say goodbye, thank you, order a bill at a restaurant or give the necessary address to the taxi driver. Alternatively, hire a guide who speaks your language and conduct excursions in comfort. Many museums and attractions are equipped with audio guides with built-in translation function. Therefore, today, for a tourist, the language barrier is one of the most easily insurmountable.

September 20, 2024 05:47 pm



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