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Downshifting: fashion trend or utopia and will it suit you


Perhaps everyone has heard about downshifting – it is one of the post-industrial Western concepts that combines the philosophy of "giving up other people's goals" and living for peace of mind and psychological well-being. Some people note this as a protest against the idea of consumption. Burnt out like matches, office employees, top managers who have lost their sense of work, who becomes a downshifter and will it suit you?

Downshifting (from the English downshifting – "lowering the step in the gearbox") is a term metaphorically denoting the voluntary abandonment of a successful career, high incomes and a philosophy of consumption, creating a certain lifestyle.

The term itself came into use in the 90s. Since then, the phenomenon itself has generated a lot of distortions around itself and the current downshifting has deviated quite far from its original intention, blurring the lines between the concept itself and its display.

A classic downshifter is a person who has reached certain heights in his career, but for a number of reasons has decided to abandon the "benefits of civilization" in favor of a calm, measured life. Therefore, a downshifter has something to give up (a career ladder, a well-paid job, a prestigious position and a lifestyle with an above-average income). If you just don't want to work and lead an idle lifestyle, this term will have nothing to do with you.

The basic principles of downshifting

Work is a part of a person's life, not his whole life

The career ladder is not the only measure of success

a measured life can be interesting and eventful

Happiness is not about material values and prestigious attributes

parenting, caring for elders, self–development, participation in public life and caring for the environment are basic priorities 

It's okay to live within your means

Rethinking or avoiding problems?

There is expediency in the philosophy of downshifting.

The modern rhythm of life and career requirements lead once successful employees to the stage of "burnout". In order to avoid nervous breakdowns and chronic diseases against the background of hyperloads, they take a "time out" to preserve their health, psyche, personal life and family, in short, all those values that they prioritize. 

Downshifting is economically feasible. Maintaining the image of a successful person with the appropriate attributes is a huge cost. In fact, these people work, earn and spend most of their income to get it back. And it's good if the goals justify themselves. In other cases, a person simply loses the meaning of the race for attributes.

Realizing the sacred meaning of the "rat race", downshifters prefer to break this vicious circle in order to have time to live a little for themselves, and not for the sake of other people's goals and achievements.

What does downshifting actually look like?

Leaving the workplace

Change of place of residence

Living on passive income in a budget environment 

Changing the type of activity and employment

Forever or temporarily

Most often, downshifting is in the nature of a long vacation associated with a revision of values and priorities. Usually, after a while, active people get bored without a dynamic socially saturated life and they return to their usual rhythm, trying not to turn into workaholics obsessed with work.

What to do under the palm trees

When a person consciously comes to the decision to change the metropolis to a quiet corner, finding joy and harmony in communicating with himself and his loved ones, doing what he really wants and is interested in, it is commendable.

But it often turns out that life in a hut or in a remote province is nothing more than an illusion, which also requires self-sufficiency.

Therefore, for fans of carefree pastime, who are not used to straining in life, "downshifting" is seen as a way to justify their social unrealization. Downshifting has nothing to do with those who, in principle, do not want to work, escaping from everyday life and obligations to society.

The reasons FOR and AGAINST

Everything is subjective here. For some, such priorities are correct, for others – the excuse of a loser. Everyone has the right to decide for himself what is important to him at different stages of his life.

Disadvantages can be encountered if, by choosing downshifting, you still have to face the need to earn a living. So true downshifting is relevant for those who do not face the question of survival, it is the choice of someone who can sacrifice the purchase of haute couture in favor of the mass market. 

By giving up a career, a person condemns himself to a deterioration in the quality of life. To maintain a certain level of existence, you will still need a stable income. And it is often difficult to return to the previous level after a reboot.

Downshifting, as an escape from oneself, is obviously a failed option: it is impossible to escape from oneself and a person takes all unresolved problems with him into a new life. 

A difficult decision in favor of downshifting can also be for family people who are accustomed to a certain lifestyle. In any case, such an important decision is not made alone and without taking into account the opinions of your loved ones. And it's good if they support you.

What is the result

Since you are reading this article, the topic of downshifting resonates with your internal needs. A person gets tired of the routine and the race in a circle, it's a fact. From time to time, I want changes, rethinking and new guidelines.

Psychologists confirm that it is not necessary to radically change your lifestyle, give up everything and go to the islands. Maybe you should just take a long vacation, change your type of activity or go freelance. After all, you can do what you love, spend more time with your family, and develop hobbies in everyday life. The main thing is to set priorities correctly and be in harmony with yourself.


April 21, 2023 05:59 pm



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