Chinese Temple of Mercy Kuan Yin Temple, Pha-Ngan

Kuan Yin Temple
Kuan Yin Temple

The Chinese Temple of Mercy (Kuan Yin Temple) is located on a hill between the town of Tong Sala and the fishing village in Chalok Lam Bay.

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About the temple

Temple of the Goddess of Mercy in Phangan

According to legend, the Chinese temple owes its appearance to a certain Mrs. Malavan. In 1990, she had a vision in which Jao Mae Kuan Im ordered the construction of a temple to bring light to people.

The temple was built in 1992 and consists of three luxuriously decorated buildings. The main building is located in the center, inside it is a statue of the goddess Guan Yin. Another part of the complex is reserved for meditation, and the third is for receiving guests. There is a statue of a smiling Buddha nearby. Nowadays, people come to the Temple to pray and ask the Buddha for good luck.

Chinese Shrine Goddes of Mercy

From the hill on which the Chinese temple stands, there are magnificent views of the surrounding area and the bay.

Temple of the Goddess Guan Yin, Pha-Ngan, Thailand

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