Psychology of travelPsychology of travel

Are you sure you're a tourist? We understand all types of tourism that exist at the moment


Travel goals can be completely different. Someone goes swimming and sunbathing, someone to explore the sights, and someone decides to devote their vacation to studying the peculiarities of local cuisine or the intricacies of growing grapes of their favorite wine brands. We tell you about all types of travel that will inspire you for new trips.

Cultural and educational tourism

The most popular type of tourism which includes sightseeing, historical monuments, architecture, visiting museums, art galleries. The purpose of cultural and educational tourism is to introduce and get acquainted with the culture, history and life of the country.

Louvre Museum, France

Active tourism

This type of tourism combines sports and sightseeing. Hiking, cycling, water, horseback riding, skiing and many other sports are perfectly combined by tourists with viewing beautiful views, fresh air and cultural enrichment.

India, Lahaul and Spiti

Recreational tourism

The simplest and most common type of tourism includes relaxing on the beaches, swimming in the sea, a carefree pastime when you can do nothing but just enjoy the sun, the sea and delicious cocktails. Great for families with children, and just relaxing.

Car tourism

A type of independent tourism, the main attribute of which is a car – your own or rented. Moving around the country and its interesting cultural places allows you to explore in as much detail as possible not only nature, but also to find little-known, but very interesting locations. Another type of car tourism can be traveling in a motorhome, which will become a comfortable home in places where there are simply no apartments and hotels.

Arches National Park, Moab, United States

Shopping tourism

The purpose of shopping tourism is to make purchases in shops and shopping and entertainment complexes in other cities and countries of the world. Shopping tourism will be of interest to fashion lovers, shopaholics and those who want to spend their leisure time searching for interesting purchases around the world. The most popular destinations for shopping tourism today are Dubai, Milan, Las Vegas, Paris, New York - recognized fashion and shopping centers.


Gastrotourism is a promising tourist destination that allows you to look at any country through the prism of national culinary traditions. Gastro–travel is not only trips to restaurants and tasting of local dishes, but also visits to local food production, harvesting in vineyards, gardens and berry plantations, participation in cooking shows and master classes, lectures and other events related to the food industry, visits to festivals, exhibitions, fairs with gastronomic orientation. The best cities and countries for gastro travel.

Spiritual tourism

The purpose of spiritual tourism is to find inner harmony in search of oneself and the meaning of life, self—development and communication with mentors and brothers in spirit, a change of environment and a reassessment of life values. These are trips to holy places, an opportunity to touch the origins and achieve enlightenment. Tibet, India, Nepal are great for those who choose the path of Eastern philosophy of self-development and enlightenment. Spiritual practices, yoga, and various purification techniques are possible here. In world religions, spiritual tourism is called pilgrimage – it is a journey to holy places, monasteries, churches and participation in traditional religious festivals. Israel represents the center of the Christian religious branch, and Saudi Arabia represents Islam.

Wellness, medical or spa tourism

A spa tour is a journey aimed at improving health, appearance, restoring peace of mind and inner harmony. Medical tours are aimed at restoring the health of tourists and preventing diseases and injuries. The most popular destination for spa tourism is Thailand, and the leaders of medicine are countries such as Germany, Israel, Taiwan, Korea and Japan.

Enotourism and alcohol tourism

This is a type of tourism, the purpose of which is to get acquainted with the wine and alcoholic traditions of a certain region, visit vineyards, wineries, restaurants, pubs, bars, wine festivals and other events related to alcoholic beverages. Beer festivals and cities are known to many, for example, most people go to Bavaria to taste the best beers. Learn more about enotourism and the best countries for it.

Selfie tourism

It is not difficult to guess that the purpose of selfie tourism is to take your own photo in various parts of the world, mainly at famous attractions or against the background of beautiful nature and architecture. The Eiffel Tower in France is the most popular place for selfie tourists. Young people are gaining likes and views, and tour operators are creating special routes for selfie tourists, which include maximum coverage of tourist attractions for beautiful photos.

Film tourism

The purpose of film tourism is to visit places from the filming of films and TV series. New Zealand is a place for fans of the Lord of the Rings movie. Hogwarts, the school where the great wizard Harry Potter studied, attracts tourists from all over the world to visit the UK. Fans of "Star Wars" will not miss the opportunity to visit Tunisia, where the filming of the famous trilogy took place. There are places in every country where films were shot, filled with a special atmosphere. As a rule, tourist routes include these places in the list of popular attractions.

Festival tourism

This type of tourism is associated with visiting spectacular musical events – festivals. In a short period of time, a tourist receives a huge amount of bright, explosive emotions, experiences and impressions. Festivals such as the Carnival in Rio de Janeiro last for several days. And the enchanting Burning Man festival in the USA lasts for one month, the festival participants live in campsites at the event venue.

Jailoo tourism

This is a kind of extreme tourism, involving living in tribes. Such tours will appeal to fans of sharp and unusual experiences. Being in the wild with real tribes living outside civilization in different wild corners of the planet implies survival in conditions close to prehistoric.

Together with the tribes, tourists hunt, carve up prey and cook it on a bonfire, as well as make simple tools and carve sparks from stones. Here you need to be prepared for the fact that the aborigines may treat you as strangers, and plug you with sticks. Therefore, you need to prepare for a jailoo tour very carefully, studying the traditions and culture of local tribes. In Kyrgyzstan, you can join nomadic tribes, and in Africa you can live among Papuans and aborigines.

Traditional women of Samburu, Kenya

Dark tourism

These are trips to wild, tragic and mystical places. Abandoned ghost towns, places with paranormal activity and abnormal phenomena attract tourists to the strangest and scariest corners of the world. These can be excursions to cemeteries and places of natural and man-made disasters, which attract a large contingent of people who want to tickle their nerves and raise the level of adrenaline and cortisol.


For those who like to travel to places where you can enjoy the views of the starry sky and observe the beauty of the night sky. The best conditions for this are created far from big cities, where clear weather and clean air prevail. Most often, tourists are offered excursions to mountainous areas. And hunting for the aurora borealis is the most popular request in astroturism.

Agrotourism and ecotourism

Clean air, natural products, historical sites, cultural values – all this helps citizens to relax from the usual hustle and bustle, learn something new about the life of the hinterland, join folk traditions - for this, the tourism sector offers agricultural tours.

People move from megacities to quiet rural regions to feel freedom from the city, to live in an ecological environment, to work in agricultural lands. Travelers can help with harvesting, caring for pets, preparing cheeses, butter or other livestock and agricultural products.


A type of tourism without the help of tour operators, organized and thought out independently, with a minimum budget and the main attribute of backpacking – a backpack. Learn more about backpacking.


One of the types of tourist recreation associated with risk is extreme survival tourism. Bushcraft is understood as survival tours, with the abandonment of means of communication and self-defense. The "survivalists" take with them only the most primitive and necessary things: a knife, a flask, matches or flint.

Extreme survivalists need knowledge about plants, fungi, the dangers of wild animals and insects, as well as basic principles of survival in conditions close to primitive. Examples of popular extreme tourism: Death Road and Madidi National Park (Bolivia), Sac Actun and Swallow Cave (Mexico), Death Valley National Park (USA),


April 7, 2024 01:30 am



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