Psychology of travelPsychology of travel

Backpacking is a light adventure


Travel without the help of tour operators, organized and thought out independently, with a minimum budget and the main attribute of backpacking – a backpack. 

Where did it come from?

Backpacking originated in the hippie era, as young people wanted to explore the world, but did not have enough money to do so. India, Thailand, and the Philippines are the most popular destinations for backpacking due to the interest of the place and cheapness.

Housing, transportation and food

On the way, backpackers do not book hotels and inns, they spend the night in campsites, tents, caves, guesthouses, in the homes of local residents and wherever they like the place. Housing is a kind of cult of adventure, as it most of all conveys the atmosphere of the place or how the locals live. 

Transport is low–cost airlines, buses, trains, own or rented motorcycles and bikes, bicycles and, of course, hitchhiking. Backpackers know all the ways to save money on transport, and also actively use inner-city public transport instead of excessively expensive taxis, subway passes and buses.

They usually eat in the same place as the locals — in simple canteens and inexpensive restaurants where the food is delicious and inexpensive, as well as at the locals themselves. 

What is good about backpacking?

Emotions! Backpacking will fully provide you with memories for a long time to come. 

Dating! On such a journey, people communicate with locals, trust strangers, and communicate with other backpackers every day. 

Culture and life! You will learn local traditions, visit places that ordinary tourists do not know about and fully immerse yourself in the flavor of the country. 

Cost-effectiveness! As we have already noted, this is a completely inexpensive pleasure, but it's not just about money, but also that you don't carry anything extra with you. Just a backpack with everything you need and yourself. the main rule is minimalism. No extra stuff!

Freedom! It may seem that such an adventure is full of difficulties and inconveniences. But in fact, this is absolutely not the case. After all, the backpackers themselves choose where to stay and what to see, and completely shape their journey. 


Backpacking is an active holiday. If you are committed to a comfortable stay on the beach or in a hotel, then backpacking is not for you. Here you will have to go to interesting places, and not lie and relax on a snow-white beach all day. Of course, there will be time for rest and beautiful views, but the main goal is to find adventures. 


April 23, 2023 10:38 pm



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