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Hungary: holidays, sights and interesting facts about the country


Hungary is an unusual European country with a very interesting culture, delicious national cuisine and a huge number of attractions. Beautiful castles and palaces, blue lakes and incredible nature will not leave dull impressions after the trip.


The capital of Hungary is Budapest, whose territory is divided into two parts by the Danube River. One part is hilly, immersed in the greenery of Buda, and the second, more gentle, but very lively — Pest, hence the name of the capital. Budapest is one of the most popular cities in Europe, a favorite tourist destination.

Hungary can be divided into 6 geographical regions: the foot of the Alps or Alpokalia, the Small Plain, the Danube Middle Mountains, the Danube Upland, the North Hungarian Mountains, the Great Plain.

The most famous historical towns of the mountainous and hilly region on the border of the Foothills of the Alps are Sopron and Keseg.

Hungary is one of the 26 countries of the Schengen area, whose citizens can freely move within its borders without passing through border control.

The most interesting sights

The Residence of the Hungarian Parliament

The Parliament building is an architectural delight for everyone! Designed by architect Imre Steindl with elements of neo-Gothic and Parisian Bozar style, this building is a unique structure on the left bank of the Danube in Budapest.

The Hungarian Parliament Building in Budapest

Eger Castle or Eger Fortress

The medieval fortress is located in the city of Eger, known for its heroic defense against the Ottoman invasion in 1552. It is located in the historical center of Eger on the Fortress Hill and serves as the main attraction of the city.

Eger Castle, Hungary

Aggtelek National Park

There are more than 200 karst caves on the territory of the Aggtelek National Park, a UNESCO World Heritage Site. The most famous is the Baradla cave, where you can see the largest stalactites on the territory of the European part of the continent. Underwater caves, where diving speleologists descend, also enjoy attention.

A stalactite formation called the "Orange Waterfall" in the Vass Imre Cave in Yosvaf, Hungary

Vaidahunyad Castle

If you are planning to visit this "haunted castle, facing the dark side of the story with vampires, phantoms and ghosts", you will be a little disappointed to learn that the castle is a friendly museum of agriculture.

Since the castle contains parts of buildings from different time periods, it demonstrates various architectural styles: Romanesque, Gothic, Renaissance and Baroque. It was originally made of cardboard and wood, but became so popular that it was rebuilt from stone and brick.

Thermal baths of Miskolc-Tapolca

Huge caves formed as a result of the leaching of rocks by water, as well as an open warm lake, constantly fed by thermal springs, in the water of which salts of various minerals are dissolved — Miskolctapolca Barlangfürdőés Barlang Aquaterápia. The uniqueness of this bath lies in the special density of the water, which allows you to swim in it for a long time. The uniqueness of the water composition and a powerful healing effect have been proven.

Fisherman's Bastion

The architectural structure on the Fortress Hill, surrounded by a gallery, arcades and balustrades, with conical tent towers symbolizing the seven tribes that founded the Hungarian state invites you to admire the magnificent views of the Danube and Pest.

Fishing bastion in Buda

Lake Balaton

Balaton is often called the "Hungarian Sea" because it is the largest lake in Central Europe by area. The grandiose size, unusual landscape, unique iodine-rich pure water and a special microclimate make the Balaton coast the most important resort area in Hungary with mineral and thermal springs.

Lake Balaton, Hungary

Castle Hill (Varkhed)

The medieval heart of Budapest and the central part of the Buda district, listed as a UNESCO World Heritage Site, is without exaggeration the most beautiful place in the city. The castle is the main residence of the royal dynasties.

Castle Hill (Budapest, Hungary)

Lake Heviz

The largest thermal lake in Europe, which is located in the crater of an extinct volcano, deserves special tourist attention. This is the famous Lake Heviz. The water in the lake is completely renewed within 48 hours. The lake's water has a special composition and contains sulfur, calcium, magnesium and bicarbonate.

Lake Hévíz, Hungary

It is extremely rich in minerals and therefore extremely effective in the treatment of various diseases, especially due to the combination of treatment and sanatorium-resort recreation. This place is very popular with spa tourists. The healing Heviz, surrounded by picturesque nature, is located in the west of Hungary, near the city of the same name. The surface of the beautiful lake is decorated with huge pale pink lotus flowers that have become a symbol of the city, as well as this unique lake itself.

Hungarian cuisine

The culture of Hungarian cuisine is characterized by a great variety and imagination in the preparation of dishes, their satiety and the use of a variety of seasonings. The national cuisine is distinguished by a large assortment of meat dishes, the use of seasonal vegetables, fruits, fresh bread, dairy products and cheeses. Paprika is a signature national seasoning in Hungarian cuisine, it is added to almost every dish here.

Hungarian cuisine is rich in meat dishes. They are dominated by pork and lard. And according to statistics, every Hungarian eats, on average, almost one and a half kilograms of fat per week.


April 7, 2024 01:30 am



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