Bridges Kuldiga

Kuldiga Brick Bridge

Kuldiga Brick Bridge

Kuldiga brick bridge over Venta river is one of the symbols of the Latvian city of Kuldiga. It is located about 200 meters downstream from the Ventas rumba waterfall. The brick arch bridge over the Venta was built in 1874. This is the longest road bridge of this type in Europe. Its length is 164 meters.

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About the bridge

The old brick bridge in Kuldiga

The seven-span bridge with brick arches and boulder supports was not only the largest and most luxurious in Latvia, but also one of the most modern in Europe, it was built according to the road standards of the XIX century.

The bridge was illuminated by 6 decorative cast-iron lanterns with fish-shaped bases. The width of the bridge was enough for two carriages to pass. During the First World War, two spans of the bridge were destroyed. In 1926, they were restored, but not of brick, but of reinforced concrete.

Kuldiga brick bridge in winter

In 1958, the cobblestone pavement was covered with asphalt. And in 2007, the authorities carried out major repairs of the structure, and now the bridge is not only a landmark, but also an operating highway. There is an excellent observation deck on the bridge, which overlooks the entire Venta Waterfall.

Bridge on map

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