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Where to see whales in Russia?


To see the tail of a whale going into the water is a delightful and unforgettable sight! Off the coast of our country there are such species of cetaceans as fin whales, seiwal, narwhal, beluga whale, killer whale and whales – sperm whale, Japanese, Greenland, humpback, blue and gray. Don't you want to see them?

Shantar Islands

The archipelago of islands is located far in the east of Russia — in the cold Sea of Okhotsk. Here your dream of watching whales is guaranteed to come true. Gray whale, Japanese and red-book bowhead whales come to the archipelago for plankton. You can approach them by boat, swim next to them on boots or arrange freediving. In addition to whales, belugas and predatory killer whales also live in the sea. The expedition here will not be like any other trip and will bring you a mountain of emotions.

How to get there? It is almost impossible to get here on your own. The easiest way is as part of a tour group. Or fly to Khabarovsk, from where you can take a bus to the village of Briakan, then a few hours helicopter flight to the Ongachan base and only from there you can get to the bay and base by boat.

Wrangel and Herald Islands

The world of Wrangel and Herald Islands is unique, it is a real museum of Arctic flora and fauna. They are located in the Arctic Ocean between the East Siberian and Chukchi Seas - the harsh climate and inaccessibility have helped nature to remain intact. The protected areas of the islands and the adjacent marine area have received the status of UNESCO World Heritage Sites. In addition to whales, belugas and killer whales, you can see polar bears, walruses and many other wild northern animals.

You can get to these islands only in the form of a tourist tour, an expedition or a major tour.

The Arctic

Severnaya Zemlya, Novaya Zemlya and Franz Josef Land. Passing through these places of the Barents Sea on an expedition ship, you will see whales, swim as close as possible to polar bears and walruses, see picturesque glaciers, the northern lights and extraordinary landscapes. You will find yourself at the "edge of the world", landing at Cape Chelyuskin — the northernmost point of Eurasia. These places are very difficult for tourists to reach, so you will feel like a pioneer there. Tourists who have already visited the Arctic say that they did not even suspect the existence of such beauties.

Tours to the North Pole are exclusive expensive travel programs that are sold by only a few travel companies in Russia. There is also an alternative – Expedition cruise tours.

The Far East

The Kamchatka Peninsula, the Kuril and Commander Islands are habitats for several species of whales at once: sperm whales, humpbacks, the rare Commander's strap-on, as well as killer whales. Sakhalin is a popular place where you can watch whales from the boat. Numerous encounters with cetaceans are possible during sea voyages. During walks on land, tourists visit the foothills of volcanoes, geothermal springs, bird nesting sites and other natural attractions.

It is not difficult to get there, the main thing is to find a good tour or expedition.

The Kola Peninsula

A trip to the Kola Peninsula will allow you to see the sea giants in the open sea, far from the coast. The meeting with the giants will be emotional and exciting. If you're lucky, tourists may even hear their peculiar singing. On the Kola Peninsula, you can see not only whales and other wild animals, but also admire other beautiful natural wonders.

Fortunately, it is not difficult to get to the Kola Peninsula. From Murmansk there are day tours to Teriberka, from there to the open sea, well, then everything depends only on luck.

Have a good expedition!


March 21, 2024 04:29 pm



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