Cultural heritageCultural heritage

Genoese fortress in Cesme


Personally, I advise you to go to Turkey in the summer, at the peak of the heat. The heat is good here because it is dry and the sea is nearby. The whole climatic flavor of Turkey can be felt during the peak season.

As, in fact, the time when we traveled through Turkey by car rally in a car without air conditioning and the heat was classic.

Chesmenskaya Bay

The road lay along the coast and it was impossible to pass by Cesme. Please bring to your attention the famous Genoese fortress in the Chesma Bay.

The Genoese (Chesma) fortress was built in the fourteenth century during the reign of Sultan Bayazet II to protect the Ottomans from attacks

Somehow she was very well preserved, I thought. It turned out that in the 17th century it was completely destroyed by the Venetians, and had to be rebuilt.

Chesmenskaya Bay

Another important event is connected with the Chesma fortress, which preserves the Russian trace in these parts. This is the famous Battle of Chesma, which took place on June 24-26, 1770 in the Chesma Bay. This was an important episode in the history of the Russian-Turkish War of 1768-1774.

I will not describe the history of the battle, I will only say that in the Museum near the walls of the fortress we are greeted by portraits of people we know from school:

His Serene Highness Prince Field Marshal Grigory Alexandrovich Potemkin-Tavrichesky

Her Majesty Empress Catherine the Great, during whose reign this victorious battle took place

On the territory of the Chesma fortress

It is pleasant to walk around the fortress, it is a very refined landmark, where artifacts and exhibits are tastefully selected: a slide of cores, amphorae, anchors and cannons, some debris and other antiquities, carefully placed in a well-groomed garden with palm trees and flowering bougainvillea.

Anchor. Real.

A gun

The cores are in the grid. So that they don't split up.

A pyramid of cores and cannons in loopholes

Marine Ship Accessories

Amphorae under the mesh.

View of the Chesma Bay with a moored vessel

The walls of the Chesma fortress

After walking around the fortress and the museum, we went to see the town. But they didn't get any further than the cafeteria.

The city of Cesme

Turkish tea and ekmek (bread).

If you are a lover of refined sights, Cesme is recommended to visit. The fortress makes a serious impression and it is possible to pay historical tribute to compatriots in the Turkish side here.

And this is the edge of the embankment. I don't know about you, but I'm a little scared of such a depth from the shore at once. The bay is specifically navigable, yachts and liners the size of houses are moored everywhere. At least they put up a fence)


March 19, 2024 03:43 pm



Write a comment
December 18, 2022 02:40 am
A gorgeous place! One of the most beloved in Turkey.
Lana Gardmann
December 18, 2022 02:42 am
What did you like so much?
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