Traveling AdventuresTraveling Adventures

Surfing Guide: Where in the World are the Biggest Waves?


Surfing, spot, swell, shorebreak - If you know these words or if you want to try your hand at surfing, then you'll find it interesting to read about the biggest waves in the world and the best places for it.


The North Shore of Oahu, Hawaii

The spot is literally overflowing with world-class surf-spots. Waimea is one of the best waves for those who want to try big wave surfing without waterscooters assistance. The largest waves in this spot measure more than 8 meters.


South Africa. Mouth of Hout in Cape Town.

Dungeons has the biggest waves, the coldest water, and sharks. No spot has been known to hit such a rush of adrenaline as Dungeons. That's why surfers have nicknamed it the 'dungeon'.

The Wedge

Northern California, USA

Popular among surfers, bodyboarders, and bodysurfers, triangular waves up to 10 meters high. Two waves repel each other at a special angle, forming a unique wave twice as large as the usual waves on this spot. Also, big waves on the spot the Wedge appear during storms in summer and autumn. The danger is that a reverse flow and a backwash often forms, which literally drags people from the beach and hits surfers with incredible force. These reverse flows are called 'tugs' and 'rips' (derived from 'rip current'), they are dangerous to life.


Portugal. Spain.

The highest ever subjugated wave was recorded here and its conqueror is in the Guinness World Records by German surfer named Sebastian Steudtner. Waves are always seen here and this place is not only a dream of all surfers, but also a landmark of Portugal.

Teahupoo and Peahi


Teahupoo and Peahi in Haiti are spots for both newcomers and professionals, as it has a long beach with two different parts — one is calm and perfect for learning how to surf, while the other has huge waves, caused by a barrier reef. Teahupoo Wave is truly powerful and sharp due to the unique sea bed relief, making surfing here an extreme and dangerous activity.


March 18, 2024 04:35 am



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