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Skopje. A city where they don't know the measures


In many countries, you want to start your journey from the capital. And having absorbed the maximum impressions from the main cultural and historical center, head to other cities. But you definitely shouldn't do that in Northern Macedonia. Moreover, there is only one reason to go to Skopje, its capital...

The city of sculptures and monuments

Imagine if a myriad of monuments from the Muzeon Park in Moscow were cloned on a city scale. There would be a city of monuments. And while we can only imagine it, the administration of the city of Skopje has already implemented everything.

It feels like there are thousands of them here. Sculptures on every corner. It's hard to turn your head without seeing another creation: They are in alleys, on roofs, on the walls of buildings.

Saturday morning—there's not a soul on the street. But monuments create a sense of life

The very center is Macedonia Square. The monument to the Warrior on horseback was opened on the 20th anniversary of independence from Yugoslavia. Independence is a relative thing. Obviously, having gained one independence, people fell into another — dependence on monuments.

The Triumphal Arch "Macedonia", built in 2012. There are sculptures on it, of course.

A broken ice cream stall in the very center of the city. Apparently, this is also a monument

The Museum of the Macedonian Struggle and other monuments blocked the view of the beautiful fortress of Calais. Why not make it the most important place in the city.

You can go to it, but the entrances were closed.

We're going back to the city. On the other side of the Vardar River there is a modern building of the Archaeological Museum surrounded by hundreds of sculptures

Another monument

And more

What about us here? Ah, sculptures again.

There are interesting samples, but if you look closely, you can see another monument on the left in the photo.

There are some that merge. It can be assumed that they will soon appear in the color of the sky. By the way, there is a lot of beauty in this photo. And a piece of some kind of art object on the left, a strange art object to the right of the monument. And even on the graffiti on the wall — people are standing near an incomprehensible hand, which is probably also a sculpture.

It feels like monuments and statues communicate with each other. Like in the cartoon Toy Story

Monument to Cyril and Methodius.

The building of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs

The statue of the Divers.

According to them, ideal electricians should look like this. Entrance to the building of the electric company

And this sculpture came in. It would look great among the street cafes in another city. You can guess for yourself.

You can continue indefinitely. Against the background of this realm of sculptures, you can't see the city at all.

There are also funny art objects

And why not? An interesting street lamp in the style of a table lamp.

Quite a bit about the city

New building, stylized antique. There are places in the city with amazing paving stones. But for some reason, terrible tiles were laid along the edges.

Panels of Eastern Europe of the Soviet period.

There is a lot of advertising on the streets. Advertisers are mainly banks and casinos.

Ramstore is popular in Northern Macedonia. The grid belongs to the Turkish Migros. I stayed only in this country. Once upon a time it was in our country.

As in many Eastern European countries, there are Turkish streets (Turkish Bazaar). What's wrong with Istanbul?

These are interesting, but very dirty buses.

By the way, in the 50s, the government of Yugoslavia also bought Leyland Titans buses supported (or decommissioned) in England. In 2010, the government ordered 220 identical retro buses, which were assembled on the basis of Chinese Yutong buses. The body was made in Germany. There are also convertible buses in the city's fleet.

Multi-level Parking with a very interesting finish.

That's how it is — the city of Skopje — the capital of Server Macedonia

Impressions of the city can be understood from the comments. But the conclusion is that it is necessary to visit Northern Macedonia, but it is not necessary to go to Skopje at all.

It so happened that the walk was early Saturday morning. In the evening of the next day, I decided to drop by the city again before departure, and watch it in the evening. After leaving the bypass highway (it should be noted here — it was built very well), I ran into a traffic jam. In 2.5 hours, which I planned to spend on additional impressions, I was only able to drive half the way to the center. The traffic density was identical to Istanbul or Tehran. Alas, no night photos this time.


March 18, 2024 04:35 am



Write a comment
October 19, 2022 05:14 pm
How are the Macedonians themselves as people? Kind?
October 19, 2022 10:34 pm
This is a strange question and the concept of 'kindness' is very relative. \n\nIf we talk about the experience of communication, there was an interesting case in Ohrid. I booked a hotel, it was confirmed to me. But when — there was no one. After about 15 minutes, the owner came, apologized wildly — said that I had booked too late (well, yes, as usual — right before check—in) - the room was icy, without hot water. \n\nHe offered either to stay there for free, or to help find another hotel. I must say that I found a very excellent option from friends with an improved number. They were given with a 50% discount from booking (cheaper than its original number).
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Lana Gardmann
October 16, 2022 09:03 am
Where are the people? It looks like a location in the game. It's actually very authentic, of course! A wonderful city. I would fly
Артемий Ермолов
October 16, 2022 02:22 am
Where do British buses come from in Macedonia? 😵‍💫
October 16, 2022 02:33 am
Added in the text. These are Chinese buses actually )