All the trips of Lana GardmannAll the trips of Lana Gardmann

Emirates. The future is in the present.


New Year holidays in Dubai

A long time ago

Lana Gardmann

We had the opportunity to visit Kais Salman's exhibition at Alserkal Avenue in Dubai, which is worth mentioning separately.

Can you imagine what kind of world view an artist has under tight control? Conformity.

Lana Gardmann

If there is something truly modern and progressive in the world, then the Emirates is the most accessible place to define this. One part of the focus group is amazed by the visualization of excessive material wealth, while the other part is amazed by its theoretical and practical possibilities. The main thing is to see how it is done by others and to note the width of the gap between expectations and reality.

Shadeshooter. Lamp on the edge.