
Louis I Bridge, Porto

Dom Luis I Bridge

The Dom Luis I Bridge (Ponte Luís I) is a two—story arch bridge over the Douro River. One of the most famous sights of Porto. It was built and opened in 1886. The upper level of the bridge is used by metro trains and pedestrians, and the lower one is for cars, but you can also walk along it and admire panoramic views of the city.

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Overview of Dom Luis I Bridge

The Dom Luis I Bridge at night 

The bridge was built by Theophile Seyrig, Gustave Eiffel's partner. In 1868, they jointly organized Eiffel and Company, with Theophile specializing in bridge design. Together they built the Maria Pia Bridge in the Port, but Theophile built the Louis I Bridge independently together with the Belgian company Société Willebroeck. But still, the style makes it one of the architectural epochs and masterpieces of the Eiffel school.

The Dom Luis I Bridge

The bridge offers a magnificent view of the Ribeira quarter, a symbol of Porto and one of the most striking and charming embankments in Europe.

Dom Luis I Bridge on map


May 05, 2024

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