
Milocher, with its famous Royal Beach, is located between Sveti Stefan and Przno.

The former summer residence of the Karadjordjevic royal family (today the Villa Miločer Hotel)

The most stunning pine trees in the world grow in Montenegro. That's for sure)

Agree, the views are spectacular!

Age-old roots and a stone bench. And a very exquisite retaining wall.

The color of the water in the Adriatic.

Amazing Montenegrin nature.

It's very beautiful here, believe me!

The alley in Milocher Park.

The best entrance design.

There is a feeling that there are people here)

Such bizarre trees can be found in Milocher Park. What is it?

What, in my opinion, the true landscape architecture looks like.

Classics of landscape gardening. Nothing superfluous.

The Montenegrin nature is incomparable. Even the sky is special here.

Look at the incredible beauty! I don't know about you, it takes my breath away!

What is one sheared ball and a block of hedge worth? It's just a base)

Olives. Incredible.

That's how ivy lives.

Olive alley. What do you say?

A small mirrored pond is such a subtle respect for the big water, which is within walking distance.

Such vine-covered pergolas will always remain the height of elegance and the hallmark of classical landscape architecture.

One of my favorite parks. Uniquely. Please pay attention to the vine. Some surprisingly simple and very effective solution. Pure delight.

Water mirrors. I do not know in what colors to express my enthusiasm to you. Really)

If you are interested in landscape gardening, here you can simply make sure that the simplest and clearest lines and shapes are the most effective and harmonious.

Gorgeous, isn't it? A fairly wide sheared array.

Oak. There are a lot of them here.

The composition.

Lines and cropped shapes. It's perfect.

Royal Beach.

Milocher Park

If you want to stay in Aman hotels, then most likely you can afford it. And if you can, then let me, because these are places of rare beauty! It's a unique feeling, honestly. This is an absolutely magical place.

In some post, I already wrote about the dizzying fragrance that Milocher Park breathes. This is what its source looks like - eucalyptus.


March 18, 2024 04:35 am



Write a comment
October 10, 2022 11:21 pm
I confirm, the most pleasant place. An ideal place for morning runs, and then after the park from the beach to the hill through the village of Sveti Stefan.
Lana Gardmann
October 14, 2022 06:24 pm
Did you like it too? Probably there are no dissatisfied with these places)