Travel StoriesTravel Stories



We were travelling to Sochi as a family right after the New Year and now I can't remember why Lazarevskoe was chosen as the location.

I absolutely love Adler and followed that up with celebrating the New Year there. I have a completely neutral attitude towards Sochi. But I can't remember why Lazarevskoe is so special.

Lazarevskoye is a microdistrict within Lazarevsky City District of the city of Sochi, Krasnodar Krai, Russia. Prior to 1961, it was a resort settlement until it was officially incorporated into Sochi.

It is clear from the description, and it has been confirmed, that the city is specifically a resort and clearly not of mid-range.

Landscaping and greening. Indeed.

Cabbage flower-garden. I just applauded standing. That's an awesome solution.

Here you go. A rowan analogues)

Dandelion fountain. It didn't work.

I've been looking for the beginning of this thing for a long time. Well, where are the roots? Maybe you will find them?

This city isn't a party town, I'll say right away. It's mature and tranquil: No loud noises, no fuss. Here everything is reasonable and regulated. Your sacred sleep won't be disturbed by anything.

I absolutely love it when a tree slams into a house, or a house into a tree, and its all ok, and everyone is safe.

This is oxalis, sourness in our language. Flower growers will understand.

A flourishing city. Impressive.

Look at what a colourful flower-garden

Lazarevsky Embankment. Sandy Beaches.

January break. Off-season is the best time to rest at the seaside, seriously.

Wintering Hotels

Sleeping Amusement Park.

Deserted Quay. I Love It.

Organizing postal deliveries and strange trees somewhere in the backwaters of the empire.

Find the kitty. Well, cutie, he hid behind the leaf)

Interesting landscaping solution, no jokes.

A careful observer will note that the notch for the stem is made individually for each plant. There you have it.

In conclusion, if you need quiet and peace, live in Lazarevsky. The average distance to all nearby points is not that bad. If you have a car, it's even better. You might feel lonely on the first day there, but you can always visit Sochi for shopping.


March 18, 2024 04:35 am



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