The natural environmentThe natural environment

Ecology is the main thing! The cleanest and most environmentally friendly countries in the world


Ecology is not only the science of the environment, but also the global goal and the main task of modern society. Let's see what simple and interesting rules are applied by the public in the cleanest and most environmentally friendly countries in the world in order to make our world a better place.


Fins' concern for nature

Perhaps the whole world knows about the Finns' reverent attitude to the environment. Every year, "green technologies" become more and more interesting, and their priority is connected not only with EU regulations, but also with the natural desire of the country's residents to take care of nature and the environment.

Use wind and cold energy? Easy!

Since the sun in Finland does not shine in the sky all year round, the use of wind energy comes to the rescue. A record number of wind turbines are currently being built here. Also, the problem of lack of sun is solved by heat pumps, which in winter take heat from a low-temperature environment.

A bicycle is better than a car

Automobile traffic is planned to be moved mainly to the suburbs, and only public transport will be left in the center of the capital. Thanks to this, roads and transport hubs will turn into public spaces, boulevards and residential areas. Cycling is not just a convenient form of transportation, it is also part of the national strategy for the development of cycling.

Recycling of garbage

Recycling is not only vital, but also profitable! All Finnish supermarkets and shopping malls have collection points for aluminum cans, plastic and glass bottles, in exchange for which you receive a discount receipt to the supermarket. Used batteries and burned-out light bulbs can be returned to the stores where they are sold.

Ecology at the legislative level

Finnish environmental legislation is being tightened every year, increasing its effectiveness. The existing waste disposal law is in force throughout the country. Finnish laws generally specify in detail everything related to waste recycling, reuse, transportation and disposal of each of the categories of garbage. For example, the cost of disposing of hazardous pharmaceutical waste is already included in the price of medicines.

A wind generator is a device for converting the kinetic energy of an air stream into the mechanical energy of rotation of a rotor, followed by its conversion into electrical energy

Everything is under control

The Finnish government has every right to fine environmental violators. And a huge number of "controllers" constantly monitor the cleanliness of streets, reservoirs and other environmental factors.


Nature helps

Iceland owes its clean air to the oceanic climate of the North Atlantic and constant winds. In addition, the country's electricity needs are mainly provided by renewable energy resources.

The hydropower plant. Iceland

In most cases, geothermal energy is used, which is a much cleaner alternative to fossil fuels. More than 90% of houses in Iceland are heated by hot water coming from geothermal sources. Hot water is supplied from wells, which, flowing through these pipes, heats the houses of Icelanders. Interestingly, Iceland rebuilt its energy industry very quickly: it took the country only thirty years to switch from coal-fired energy to renewable (geothermal and hydro).


The leader of waste recycling

More than 99% of the garbage in Sweden is recycled and reused by various methods — this phenomenon has already been dubbed the "Swedish recycling revolution". No other country in the world has yet managed to come so close to the dream of waste-free production, clean water and breathable air. Sweden recycles and imports garbage from other countries. In fact, by buying garbage from other countries, Sweden provides itself with resources, energy and money.

It's a matter of habit

Every Swedish family has several different containers in their apartment and in each house for different types of garbage: glass, cardboard, metal, plastic, paper. A separate container is intended for food waste. The relevant waste is collected in these containers, which are then transported to the garbage collection station.

The importance of sorting garbage is so entrenched in the minds of Swedes that many do it automatically. Paints, nail polish, dead batteries, light bulbs and electrical appliances are dangerous garbage that is disposed of in specially designated places.

Separate garbage collection is a matter of habit and part of the ecological culture of the public

Fuel and gasoline — the last century

Swedes are actively switching to alternative fuel sources, such as biofuels derived from food and organic waste, electricity and ethanol. Many Swedish enterprises, as well as almost all government agencies, are replacing the fleet, getting rid of cars with combustible fuels and switching to environmentally friendly electric vehicles. Almost all urban and intercity buses have switched to biofuels and ethanol.


Landscaping of roofs

In Denmark, most urban roofs with a slope of less than 30% should be landscaped. In addition to the fact that plants on roofs perform the usual function of air purification, such roofs absorb up to 80% of precipitation and reduce the load on water drainage systems. Such roofs are better protected from ultraviolet radiation and temperature changes. Finally, roof plantings help to increase the service life of the coating, and it looks much better than a conventional roof.

Denmark's green roofs are not a tribute to design, they are a reasonable measure of modern understanding of environmental issues


The University of Copenhagen is called the "Green Lighthouse". The main source of energy in this house is the Sun, whose energy is used for both lighting and heating the building. This turned out to be possible thanks to a special architecture that makes the most of the possibilities of natural lighting and ventilation. The latest geothermal heating technologies, solar collectors, heat recovery, solar panel systems, LED lighting, etc. were also used.

"Green light house" by Christensen & Co Architects — modern architecture in the service of urbanism

Natural light in the interior of the "Green light house" by Christensen & Co Architects

Solar panels

A unique feature of solar energy production is that most of all panels are located on the roofs of houses. In addition, half of the solar power plants are owned by private individuals, not by generating companies. Solar energy is most developed in Germany, but is used not only there, but also around the world.

The option of using solar panels privately

Waste to energy

Waste in Denmark has long been considered a resource. Incinerators not only burn garbage, but also generate thermal and electrical energy. The high combustion temperature and a large number of filters that capture harmful substances make it possible to minimize the damage caused to the environment. Garbage incineration provides about 20% of the heat supplied to homes and about 5% of electricity. At the same time, heat and electricity generated by burning garbage are "by-products" and are very cheap.

Eco-friendly incinerator - space for sports and recreation, Amager Resource Center, Copenhagen, Denmark


It's really easy to take care of nature and take care of it. It is the duty of every inhabitant of the planet to comply with measures that will reduce environmental pollution. All countries of the world strive to improve the level of environmental education through simple and understandable technologies. Take care of the planet and it will take care of you!


March 21, 2024 04:28 pm



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