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The magical city of Rio de Janeiro


I think many people have heard about the famous Rio de Janeiro more than once, but perhaps they did not realize about all its fantastic sights and amazing events that happen in it. In this post, we will talk about the amazing Rio de Janeiro.

Where is it located and what is it like

The largest and most visited tourist city in Brazil is Rio de Janeiro, or Rio de Janeiro, (eng. Rio de Janeiro) with a population of about 6.52 million people, is located on the shores of the Guanabara Bay of the Atlantic Ocean, sandwiched on both sides by mountains and the sea. It has a tropical climate.

Guanabara Bay was discovered on January 1, 1502 by the Portuguese navigator Gaspar de Lemos. The discoverers mistook the bay for the mouth of the river, the name of the city of Rio de Janeiro came from the same place, translated from Portuguese it means "January river". 53 years after the discovery of the bay, the area of modern Rio was briefly occupied by the French, then the Portuguese, and finally the Brazilians. The city of Rio de Janeiro was founded on March 1, 1565.

The symbol of the city of Rio de Janeiro

The hallmark of the city and the symbol of Rio de Janeiro is the giant statue of Christ the Redeemer, which has a height of 38 meters, this huge statue is located on the highest point of the city - Mount Corcovado, at an altitude of 704 meters above sea level! With his arms spread wide, Christ the Redeemer seems to hover over the city, blessing and protecting it. The statue was made in Paris, and then in the 1930s it was delivered to Rio de Janeiro, the consecration and grand opening of the statue of Christ took place on October 12, 1931.

Statue of Christ the Redeemer in Rio de Janeiro

The sights of Rio

Of course, the statue of Christ the Redeemer is not the only symbol of Rio, Pan do Assucar, which means Sugar Loaf, is of great importance for the city. This is a crystal peak located at the entrance to Guanabara Bay, 395 meters high! The landmark received such an unusual name due to its shape, which resembles the conical outlines of the old packaging of "sugar heads". Also, according to one version of the origin of the name Pan-do-Assucar (eng. Pan de Assucar) comes from the Indian words "paunh-acuqua", which means "high hill".

The highest peak of Pan do Assucar in Guanabara Bay, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil

Beach holidays in Rio de Janeiro

The large Brazilian city has a well-developed beach culture, many vacationers on the beaches of Rio de Janeiro call them the best in the world. The beaches in Rio are completely different: there are places for swimming and sunbathing, for hanging out, for water sports, and, of course, for relaxing and relaxing.

Copacabana Beach

Rio's most famous and main beach, Copacabana, combines all the best: white sand, the purest azure waters of the ocean, picturesque views of mountains and tall hotels, as well as excellent waves for surfing. The beach has a length of 4 kilometers, which is quite enough for entertainment, carnivals and beach holidays.

Copacabana Beach in the Brazilian city of Rio de Janeiro

Avenida Atlantica Embankment

The Avenida Atlantica embankment (English: Avenida Atlantica) with a mosaic sidewalk in the form of a wavy pattern. This pattern is another symbol of Rio, it can be found on all souvenirs sold nearby. The embankment is a favorite place for musicians, festivals, walks, gatherings, jogging and cycling.

Copacabana Promenade Avenida Atlantica, Rio

Ipanema Beach

Ipanema, an equally popular Brazilian beach in Rio de Janeiro, will appeal to outdoor enthusiasts, as well as to fans of tanning. There are no big waves on Ipanema beach like in Copacabana, which is clearly not suitable for surfers and those who want to feel the power of the wave. Ipanema Beach offers a stunningly wonderful sunset view, which attracts lovers of romance, photographers and a lot of tourists watching the sunset.

Fantastic sunset on Ipanema Beach in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil

Prainha Beach

If you are tired of crowds of people relaxing on the beach, Prainha is for you. One of the quietest little-known beaches, but nevertheless, you will definitely not be alone there. Emerald high waves, snow-white sand, green tropical jungles and high lonely mountains, it's all on Prainha beach. It is worth being careful, the locals do not advise sailing far from the shore, the waves here are quite strong and can be dangerous. The beach is perfect for water sports.

Prainha beach in the Brazilian city of Rio de Janeiro

Entertainment in Rio de Janeiro

Rio welcomes tourists, so a lot of museums, theaters and other entertainment in the heart of the city is available to travelers.

The stairs of Selaron in Rio

The Celaron Staircase in the Brazilian city of Rio de Janeiro

Excursions around Rio rarely go without visiting the stairs of Selaron - this unusual creation is simply impossible to ignore. The bright staircase attracts attention from afar with its multicolored appearance, the landmark gained worldwide popularity in the 2000s thanks to the work of the Chilean artist Celaron, he decided to restore the old staircase, which originated right at his house. The modest project began in 1990 and lasted for about 20 years, unfortunately ending with the death of the artist. 250 steps of the staircase are decorated with more than 2 thousand colorful pieces of tiles brought from different countries of the world.

Botanical Garden in Rio

Botanical Garden in Rio, Brazil

The wonderful Botanical Garden in Rio de Janeiro, presents a variety of foreign vegetation, and also contains rare species of plants and insects. In addition to plants, there are small birds, monkeys, butterflies, squirrels and other small animals in the garden.

The annual carnival in Rio de Janeiro

Carnival in Rio, Brazil

The annual carnival in Rio de Janeiro is a bright celebration, which is accompanied by exciting rhythms, cries of joy and delight and takes place on a special alley. Watching a variety of dances is very interesting! The goal of the speakers is not only to win the audience's sympathy, but also to impress the judges, who evaluate the performances quite strictly. Carnival in Rio is not just a holiday, rather it is a kind of tradition, before which you should take a 40-day fast.


March 15, 2024 06:05 pm



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