Festivals and exhibitionsFestivals and exhibitions

The main annual festivals of the world


Grandiose festivals, which are held year after year in different parts of the world, bring unforgettable emotions and memories for a lifetime to a huge number of people. Once you attend such a large-scale event, you will get an incredible emotional experience!

Carnival in Rio de Janeiro

The Brazilian Carnival is the leader in the ranking of the most vivid and unforgettable events in the world of holidays and festivals. The carnival takes place annually in February and attracts millions of tourists to the streets of Brazil, where tourists from all over the world come, and prices for hotels and inns soar several times. The most spectacular part of the carnival is themed performances and competitions of dance schools. Giant moving platforms, unique costumes, huge dolls and the most powerful scenery, music and crazy energy are breathtaking. The whole country is carefully preparing for the festival throughout the year, so the festival turns out to be enchanting, grandiose and indescribably magnificent!

Carnival in Rio

Oktoberfest in Germany

The beer festival in Germany is considered one of the largest folk festivals in the world. It is visited annually by about six million people who come to Munich from all German lands and from other countries. The main attribute of Oktoberfest is Oktoberfest beer brewed according to a special recipe, which can only be bought during the festival. It is aged longer than a simple light one, it has a strength of 5.8 to 6.3% and a characteristic pronounced malt taste. The holiday lasts for 16 days and includes costumed processions, musical performances and other events.

Oktoberfest Festival

Holi Festival in India

Every year, during the full moon of the month of Phalguna (the 12th month in the unified Indian calendar), the Holi festival is held in India, which symbolizes the victory of good over evil. After lighting a bonfire, the sacred flame of which "burns" evil, the participants will have real fun. Crowds of people sprinkle colored powder and powder paints on each other as a sign of kindness and good luck. The incredible energy of joy and happiness that reigns at the festival is so contagious that it becomes simply impossible to remain indifferent to it. That is why Holi is celebrated today not only in India, but also in many other countries.

Comic Con

The Comic Con Festival, dedicated to pop culture and comics, games, books, and films, takes place annually simultaneously in different countries of the world. The celebration lasts for four days, during which more than 700 different events take place, including presentations of new products from the digital world. The guests of the festival are leading world figures. Comic Con has remained an all-American center of cosplay culture for many years. It is here that you can meet professionally realistic and colorful "characters" of popular fantasy universes.

Comic Con Festival

Cannes Film Festival

The most prestigious film festival in the world and the most important social event in the lives of many stars. For twelve days, the magical world of cinema reigns here — celebrities march along the red carpet, directors present their latest films. Needless to say, it is absolutely impossible to find available rooms in Cannes hotels these days, as well as in neighboring resorts.

Vincent Delerm at the opening of the 75th Cannes Film Festival on May 17, 2022.

Coachella in California

The largest of the most famous and most profitable music festivals in the world, which every music lover wants to visit. The event is attended by both famous and little—known artists of various genres - from hip-hop to electronica. The main surprise for the visitors is two secret guests, whose names are kept secret until the very beginning of the performances. The headliners of Coachella were AC/DC, Coldplay, Jay-Z, Eminem, Lady Gaga, Ariana Grande and others. The atmosphere of the festival is incredible, as the organizers pay a lot of attention to large—scale installations, and the visitors themselves — bright outfits in different styles.

Coachella Festival in California

Inti Raimi Sun Festival

In Peru, an annual rite of sacrifice to the Sun God was held during the winter solstice. Today, Inti Raimi is a festival without sacrifices, but no less impressive and enchanting. Hundreds of dancers and musicians in traditional costumes participate in processions and ceremonies. Peruvians are trying to recreate the greatness of the ancient Inca traditions. It turns out to be a very colorful celebration that immerses you in the indescribable atmosphere of an ancient holiday.


March 19, 2024 03:38 pm



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