Gastronomic tripsGastronomic trips

The Chocolate capital of the world


Many people do not even realize that there is a chocolate capital in the world, which has had a status for more than 100 years. In this post, you will find out what else this capital is famous for.

The chocolate capital of the world is Brussels (Belgium). The city received this status in 1912. The great pastry chef Jean Neuhaus at that time reproduced chocolates that won many Belgian hearts. To this day, Belgium is famous for its chocolate as a souvenir, where many tourists come to buy real Brussels chocolates.

Brussels is the capital of waffles

Surprisingly, Brussels is also the capital of waffles. The first waffles were thin crispy cookies, later it became softer. There are two types of Brussels waffles: Liege and Brussels waffles. The Liege ones are crisper, and the Brussels ones are softer, and they are served hot with chocolate glaze.

Belgian Waffle Recipe

You can make waffles at home.

Chicken egg - 3 pcs.

Shortbread sugar - 1 tbsp.l.

Butter - 80 g.

Milk - 30 ml.

Flour - 100 g .

Vanilla Sugar - 10 g .

Salt - to taste

Cook waffles at home with love and enjoy the wonderful waffles, and if you want to taste the real taste, go to Brussels and share your impressions and photos.


March 18, 2024 04:35 am



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