
What souvenirs and gifts should I bring back from my trip



Many people bring magnets as souvenirs, it's nice to receive them as a gift, they will not only decorate the refrigerator, but also remind you of traveling, perhaps even inspire. It is also convenient to transport them using hand luggage.

Traditional plates

Traditional plates are sold in many countries as a souvenir, such a gift is uplifting and pleasing to the eye. You can eat from such plates, nuts and seeds look very nice in them. They are transported as conveniently as magnets in hand luggage.

Commemorative statuette

A commemorative statuette brings much more emotions than a magnet or any small gift. You can decorate an empty shelf with it or put it in the most prominent place. It is more difficult to transport a fragile figurine, we recommend it in hand luggage or in a package, as the statuette may break.

Traditional tea or a sweet gift

Teas and sweets can be attributed to useful gifts, as they will not gather dust and spoil the atmosphere. You can give tea and sweets to friends or relatives. A universal gift in many ways. It is very easy to transport such gifts.

Bring something that is not available in your country

Choose gifts with love. Bring something that is not in your country, please your friends and relatives with souvenirs from distant travels. 


April 22, 2023 04:13 pm



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