All USA Articles

Marina Golub

Surely many people have heard at least once about the most beautiful beach, the most crowded and the cleanest. But have you ever heard of the longest beach? A beach where you can walk for hours with your feet up to your ankles in the water under the rays of the burning sun. If not, then this article is for you! We are talking about the Top 10 longest beaches in the world.

A 90-mile beach in Australia

Marina Golub

The world is full of wonderful natural attractions and waterfalls are one of them. The water falling from the mountains fascinates with its beauty and power. In this post, we will tell you about the five most famous large and amazing waterfalls.

Niagara Falls, USA


A tourist is a guest in any country, and must adhere to local rules, but these rules are not always taught to us from childhood. The laws of some countries are so amazing that sometimes it is even difficult to imagine that this is possible, but the rules are the rules and they must be followed. Before traveling, we recommend that you study the laws of the country where you are going to avoid awkward situations, fines and litigation.


Our world is rich in many unique sights, natural masterpieces and interesting landscapes. Here we will talk about such places, being in which you think that you are on a completely different planet.

The Luminous Sea


The airport is a place of awe and anticipation, expectation and excitement, for many an airport is hours and minutes outside of time and space before a flight or after a trip. We will tell you about the most unusual air terminals in the world, where you can see amazing architectural solutions or interior features that will help pass the hours before the flight in a pleasant pastime.

Changi Airport, Singapore (Changi Airport, Singapore)


People love holidays, and festivals and large-scale events allow everyone to become a part of the whole - fun, noise and emotions are the main attributes of each festival. And the anticipation of a grandiose holiday, which is simply magical!

Ultra Music Festival


Grandiose festivals, which are held year after year in different parts of the world, bring unforgettable emotions and memories for a lifetime to a huge number of people. Once you attend such a large-scale event, you will get an incredible emotional experience!


Ancient places where buildings have stood for hundreds or even thousands of years immerse tourists in the distant past and distance them from modern civilization with its new technologies.

Angkor Wat, Krong Siem Reap, Cambodia

Marina Golub

Perhaps your friend or acquaintance lives in another country and you don't know what to give him. This post will help you find out what to give to residents of different countries for the New Year.