
All Peru Articles

Marina Golub

Many will be surprised to learn that the potato capital of the world is not Belarus at all. The country that is considered the birthplace of potatoes is located in South America and is called Peru.



Grandiose festivals, which are held year after year in different parts of the world, bring unforgettable emotions and memories for a lifetime to a huge number of people. Once you attend such a large-scale event, you will get an incredible emotional experience!


Ancient places where buildings have stood for hundreds or even thousands of years immerse tourists in the distant past and distance them from modern civilization with its new technologies.

Angkor Wat, Krong Siem Reap, Cambodia


Volcanoes are the most frightening, dangerous and interesting phenomenon of nature. It can change lives, geography and much more.

Tatiana Sopik

At one time, train travel was very popular and now that trend is making a comeback. The railways are the most eco-friendly means of transportation, and modern trains compete with five-star hotels in terms of service and fine cuisine, offering all the means to make the journey unforgettable. Remember that feeling when you drifted off to sleep to the sound of a steady wheel clank – probably one of the most soothing sounds.

The Royal Scotsman is a luxury train service based in Scotland, offering a private and scenic experience to guests. It operates on a network of Scotland's former rail lines, providing immersive experiences of the country's diverse landscape and attractions.