Mountains in Sakhalin

Frog Mountain on Sakhalin

Frog Mountain
Frog Mountain
1 review

Frog Mountain is a rock that got its name because of the similarity of its outlines to a frog. The mountain is a geological monument of nature of regional significance "Structural and denudation remnant "Frog"". The way to the mountain lies through the picturesque forest "Place of Power", which has places to relax, a mountain river with a place for swimming, gazebos for picnics and much more.

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Reviews and impressions

Overall rating
Very good
Evgeny Golitsyn
August 8, 2024 12:48 am
It's a very atmospheric place. There is a noisy river below, and a sacred place of the Ainu is located above. Until now, the trees at the top of the outlier are decorated with ribbons, according to the Ainu tradition, and the stones are laid out in columns

About the mountain

Plants listed in the Red Book grow here. The ascent to the stone is quite sharp — about 300 meters with a fairly steep slope, so this ascent is not suitable for everyone. There are magnificent views of the southern part of Sakhalin Island near the cliff.

Frog Mountain

Forest "Place of Power"

Frog Mountain

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