
The David Bloch Gallery in Marrakech

David Bloch Gallery

The David Bloch Gallery is a space dedicated to contemporary art located in the heart of the Marrakech. This gallery presents the works of more than twenty new and famous contemporary artists from all over the world.

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Overview of David Bloch Gallery

The David Bloch Gallery Exhibition

The gallery was founded in 2010 by David Bloch, a French-born artist and collector of works of art. He has a passion for discovering and promoting talented artists and his gallery is a reflection of this. The gallery presents works from a wide range of fields, including painting, sculpture, photography and installations.

The David Bloch Gallery Exhibition

The gallery has become the center of artistic life in Marrakech, where regular exhibitions and events are held. These events are a great way to get to know the local art scene and meet the artists themselves. The gallery also offers educational programs and master classes, giving visitors the opportunity to learn more about art and artists.

Opening hours

Monday - from 3:30pm to 7:30pm, Tuesday-Saturday from 10:30am to 7:30pm, Sunday - closed.

Places nearby

David Bloch Gallery on map


May 15, 2023

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