Travel trips and hacksTravel trips and hacks

What to take from food on a long journey


Everyone is wondering before a long train or car trip "What to buy to eat on the road?" This article will answer this question and help you feel better and more satisfying on the road. 



You need plenty of fluids on the road. Not so much to run around on business, but also not enough to not suffer from thirst. Here are some options for drinks on the road:

✅ Water is the best option

Soda is also not bad, but it will only make you more thirsty

Juices are a good option if drinking water is boring

Tea bags - each train has a tap with boiling water and, in order not to pay twice for tea, you can bring tea bags with you and save money. It also works with brewed coffee)

Dairy drinks are not an option. Without proper storage, they can go bad and ruin your trip. Only if you consume them right away, or use a cooler bag

Homemade food

No matter how old-fashioned it may sound, homemade sandwiches will be the most delicious in your life during a long journey

✅ sandwiches, sandwiches, boiled eggs, pancakes, loaves, crackers and cookies are a great snack during a long trip

⛔️ products that smell, have a short shelf life and a weak temperature regime will not be appropriate

Life hack! 

If you are traveling by train and want to warm up the food, then you can politely ask the flight attendant about it. There is a high probability that she will allow you to use the microwave.

And in the new trains, you can already find installed microwave ovens, which can be used by everyone.

So, don't be afraid to take ready-made food with you, which only needs to be warmed up.


Everyone likes to have a snack with chips, nuts and so on, but this will not calm the appetite, but only comfort. And if you eat dry food all the way, then you will arrive at your destination in a weight greater than you left. But there are still some good snack options.:

fruits, vegetables, berries are wonderful companions of a traveler: they will save you from boredom and calm your appetite

✅ nuts, fruit and nut mixes, dried berries, dried fruits are perfect for crunching under a movie or a book

Energy and protein bars, granola bars – fast hunger–quenching and easy-to-use snacks

✅ Packaged baby food is the perfect quick snack

seeds and nuts in the shell are delicious, but you will need a container to collect garbage and shells. To enjoy the journey, rather than cleaning, it is better to leave the seeds at home

chips and salted crackers are loved by everyone without exception, but with them the hunger will only increase, besides, a strong aroma can attract unexpected fellow travelers. But we know that you will take it anyway)

Fast food

Everyone's favorite instant noodles, mashed potatoes, and so on are a favorite topic of train travelers. But there are more minuses in it than there are pluses. Walking around the car with a hot container in your hands can turn into a surprise, so it's much better to limit yourself to a homemade sandwich. But the adventure vibe of curly noodles is so attractive that we will not dissuade you from taking another box with you on the train. 

If it happens that for some reason you did not prepare and were left without snacks, do not worry. Now, on the train, on the plane and on the bus tour, you can order not only snacks, but also a full lunch or dinner. 

Choose wisely and with health benefits. Bon appetit and have a nice trip!


April 21, 2023 05:24 pm



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