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A tourist is a guest in any country, and must adhere to local rules, but these rules are not always taught to us from childhood. The laws of some countries are so amazing that sometimes it is even difficult to imagine that this is possible, but the rules are the rules and they must be followed. Before traveling, we recommend that you study the laws of the country where you are going to avoid awkward situations, fines and litigation.


The airport is a place of awe and anticipation, expectation and excitement, for many an airport is hours and minutes outside of time and space before a flight or after a trip. We will tell you about the most unusual air terminals in the world, where you can see amazing architectural solutions or interior features that will help pass the hours before the flight in a pleasant pastime.

Changi Airport, Singapore (Changi Airport, Singapore)

Topi Ary

It is simply impossible to cover the whole of Asia, consisting of more than 40 countries, in one fell swoop. If you like Asia, and you have already explored all the famous Asian attractions, visited Tokyo and Hong Kong, frequented the beaches of Bali and Phuket, were impressed by the architecture of temples in Cambodia and India – it's time to dive into the less explored, and therefore even more attractive depths of Asia.

Ipoh, Malaysia


Everyone knows where the most delicious food is in the city of their residence, a bakery or bakery that you can visit on holidays or when guests arrive. But what is the name of a city where all residents and tourists visit restaurants more often than they eat at home? That's right – the gastronomic capital!

Tatiana Sopik

At one time, train travel was very popular and now that trend is making a comeback. The railways are the most eco-friendly means of transportation, and modern trains compete with five-star hotels in terms of service and fine cuisine, offering all the means to make the journey unforgettable. Remember that feeling when you drifted off to sleep to the sound of a steady wheel clank – probably one of the most soothing sounds.

The Royal Scotsman is a luxury train service based in Scotland, offering a private and scenic experience to guests. It operates on a network of Scotland's former rail lines, providing immersive experiences of the country's diverse landscape and attractions.