
All Norway Articles

Marina Golub

Norway is a special country that can be talked about for a long time and it is very interesting, this post is dedicated to it, boundless and amazing Norway.

Bergen, Norway. Flag of the Kingdom of Norway

Tatiana Sopik

If the Russian winter is not enough for you, go to Svalbard. Having seen enough of the art house about the remote northern territories, one is drawn to look at the local beauties and feel the uniqueness of the inhabited northern latitudes.

Evgeny Golitsyn

Due to the restrictions imposed since 2022, traveling has become a little more difficult. We will consider all the possibilities to visit the Old World after the sanctions.


Evgeny Golitsyn

On New Year's holidays, you want a little magic. Where to look for him, except in villages among the fjords of the northern country? Let's find out how to get to Norway and Schengen in 2024