
Koutoubia Gardens in Marrakech

Koutoubia Gardens

Koutoubia Gardens is a small and well–maintained park next to the Koutoubia Mosque. It is nice to take a break from the crowded and noisy Medina of Marrakech.

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Overview of Koutoubia Gardens

The Qutubiya Gardens were built in the 12th century by the Almohads, the Berber dynasty. The gardens are named after the Koutoubia Mosque, which is located nearby.

The gardens are one of the favorite places among the locals, where it is pleasant to stroll in the evenings with a beautiful view of the mosque.

Koutoubia Gardens in Marrakech

The gardens are full of a variety of plants and trees, including olive, cypress and jasmine. Many birds and other wild animals can also be seen in the gardens. The gardens also have many fountains and ponds, which create a peaceful atmosphere.

Working hours

The park is open around the clock

Places nearby

114 m
519 m
City Park
Cyber Parc
733 m
833 m
845 m
881 m
890 m

Koutoubia Gardens on map


April 04, 2024

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