
Must see attractions in Dubai

Ferris wheel in Dubai
Ain Dubai (The Eye of Dubai)
Ain Dubai (the Eye of Dubai) is the tallest observation wheel in the world. Its height reaches 250 meters. The ride on the wheel takes 38 minutes....
Gallery in Dubai
Alserkal Avenue
Alserkal Avenue is a place that is revolutionizing the perception of Dubai, making it a hub for contemporary art and culture. Among the workshops and dusty...
Hotel in Dubai
Burj Al Arab
The famous luxury seven-star hotel with a spectacular design imitating a billowing sail. The hotel is built on its own island, what makes it look like a ship...
Skyscraper in Dubai
Burj Khalifa
Dubai is famous for its stunning skyscrapers, which create a unique sense of the city of the future. But the tallest building, the Burj Khalifa, stands out...
Fountain in Dubai
Dubai Fountain
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The fountain is one of Dubai's most iconic landmarks. It is located between the Burj Khalifa and the Dubai Mall....
Sight in Dubai
Dubai Frame
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One of the newest and most unusual attractions in Dubai and the UAE is the Frame. The Frame height is 150 meters, to the top of which high-speed lifts rise in...
Shopping mall in Dubai
Dubai Mall
The largest mall in the world, which is simply physically impossible to get around in a day. There is more than 1200 shops. Shopping in Dubai is an art itself....
Museum in Dubai
Etihad Museum
This is a wonderful museum telling about the history of the UAE. It was opened on December 2, 2016 — the UAE Independence Day. The museum's exposition is...
Theme Park in Dubai
Global Village
Global Village is a unique fair of world cultures, situated on 160 hectares. Imagine a park where you can see the main architectural styles of 90 countries of...
Market in Dubai
Gold Market
Gold has been an important business for Dubai since the 1940s. Today, the emirate is one of the world's largest gold markets, accounting for approximately 25%...