
Batumi Dolphinarium

Batumi Dolphinarium

Batumi Dolphinarium (ბათუმის დელფინარიუმი) is a Dolphinarium, originally opened in 1975 and, after a pause, re-opened on may 6, 2011. It is symbolic of this date, it is located in the park on May 6 on the Batumi embankment. Here you can watch shows with dolphins, sea seals and swim with them in the pool. 

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Overview of Batumi Dolphinarium

Batumi Dolphinarium

Places nearby

420 m
Recreation Park
6th May Park
445 m
Recreation Park
Japanese Garden
671 m
806 m
891 m
1.1 km
1.1 km
1.2 km
1.2 km
1.2 km

Batumi Dolphinarium on map


June 10, 2024

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