Southern region

Must see attractions in Southern region

Southern region
Volcano in Southern region
Blahnjúkur volcano is a volcano with a height of 940 m. Its name translates as "blue peak" because of the blue-black color of its sides, which is caused by...
Volcano in Southern region
Brennisteinsalda Volcano "Sulfur Wave" is a volcano located in the Fjallabak National Reserve. The name in translation: "sulfur wave", comes from the sulfur...
Cemetery in Vik
Cemetery in Vik
Pagan burial sites with remains dating back to 800-100 AD have been discovered in 170 locations throughout Iceland. The uniqueness of this cemetery in the city...
Sight in Vik
DC-3 aircraft
A DC-3 aircraft belonging to the American Air Force made an emergency landing in 1973 on a black beach, near the town of Vic. There were no casualties, and the...
Sight in Vik
Dyrholey Arch is a peninsula on the coast of the city of Vic. The arch itself is a very popular place among tourists because of the magical view of the...
Waterfall in Southern region
Faxi (Fossin Faxi, Faxafoss or Vatnsleysufoss) is a waterfall that boasts natural beauty and peaceful surroundings. It is located on the Tungufljot River in...
Sight in Southern region
Fjaðrárgljúfur is a canyon in southeastern Iceland. The Fjadra River flows through it. The canyon reaches a height of 100 meters in height and extends for a...
Reserve in Southern region
Fjallabak Nature Reserve (Friðland að Fjallabaki) is an area in the Icelandic Highlands, a popular hiking destination. The territory has been protected since...
Waterfall in Southern region
Gluggafoss (Gluggafoss, Merkjárfoss) is a waterfall in the Sudurland region, in the south of Iceland. The total height of the Gluggafoss is approximately 52 m....
Waterfall in Southern region
Gullfoss Waterfall is one of the most iconic and beloved waterfalls in Iceland, located in the canyon of the Hvita River in southwestern Iceland. The water in...