
Must see attractions in Kutaisi

Cable car in Kutaisi
Cable car in Kutaisi
The cable car in Kutaisi across the Rioni River that connects the lower part of the city with the upper park. The transport was put into operation in 1961, and...
Fountain in Kutaisi
Colchis Fountain
The Colchis Fountain is located in the center of Kutaisi on David Agmashenebeli Square. It was built in 2011. The figures in the fountain symbolize myths about...
Monastery in Kutaisi
Gelati Monastery
Gelati monastery (Gelati Monastery, გელაოი, გელათის მონასტერი) is a medieval monastery founded in 1106. The complex of buildings is a World Heritage Monument,...
Bridge in Kutaisi
White Bridge
The White Bridge is a pedestrian bridge in Kutaisi across the Rioni River. One of the main attractions of the city, built in the XIX century....