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How does Socotra Island in Yemen attract hundreds of tourists every year?


An island known for its flora and fauna, which it would seem that no human foot has entered. The "dragon's blood" flows in the trees growing on the island. In this article, we will tell you in detail about this amazing place.

Socotra is an island of the archipelago located in the northwest of the Indian Ocean in the Arabian Sea. The archipelago consists of three inhabited islands, Socotra is the largest of them, Abd el-Khoury occupies the second place in terms of area, and Samha is the third. As well as one uninhabited island of Darsa and several rocks in the sea. The name "Socotra" is similar to the ancient Sanskrit expression "Sukhadhara Dpiva", which means "Island of Happiness".

Unique vegetation and wildlife

There are about 800 species of plants growing on the island, some of which are not found anywhere else in the world. The fauna of Socotra is diverse with special species of endemics. About 31 species of reptiles live on this island.

Topography and climate

The relief of the island is quite diverse, there are both beaches with white sands and impressive mountains. The peak of Mount Hajir reaches 1503 meters above sea level. The climate is also changing due to the relief. The average temperature on the island ranges from 25 to 32 °C.

What is unique about Socotra Island

Dragon Tree

One of the endemic plants, the dragon tree, has become the symbol of the island. She's a cinnabar-red dracaena. This plant has such an original name because of the color of the juice. If you make a hole in the trunk of a tree, then juice will start pouring out of it, which turns blood-red under the influence of air.

The legend of the "Island of Happiness"

There are many legends about the dragon tree, one of them tells about a ferocious dragon that lived on the island many years ago. According to legend, he ate only elephants. On another hunt, a large elephant fell on the dragon and crushed it. The blood of the dragon, who died under the weight of the elephant, spread all over the island, and unusual trees grew in its place.

When is the best time to go to Socotra and what to see

The tourist season starts in September and ends in May. Storms are quite common on the island in summer. During the tour, you can explore several attractions:

Archer Dunes

The dunes of Socotra

The height of the dunes reaches 200 meters, it is quite problematic to climb them, but the views from them are simply amazing.

Socotra Museum

A small museum created at the expense of a wealthy Socotrian. Many items of the national life of local residents are collected here.

Detwah Lagoon

Detwah Lagoon

Socotra's business card. Kilometers of snow-white sand and clear water, giving off an azure color, this is probably the most amazing place on the coast of the island. Various species of marine life can be found in the shallow lagoon.

September 15, 2024 10:22 pm



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