
Must see attractions in Pico

Museum in Pico
Centro de Interpretação da Paisagem da Cultura da Vinha da
Weinmuseum (Centro de Interpretação da Paisagem da Cultura da Vinha da Ilha do Pico, CIPCVIP) is a museum where visitors can watch a short documentary about...
Church in Pico
Igreja da Santíssima Trindade
Igreja da Santíssima Trindade is a church in the city of Lajes do Pico. The altar is made of volcanic stone and covered with gold....
Lake in Pico
Laguna do Cabeço dos Grotões
Laguna do Cabeço dos Grotões (Lagoa do Cabeço dos Grotões) is a lake in a volcanic crater. The way to the lake at the top is not easy, but from here you can...
Lake in Pico
Laguna do Caiado
Laguna do Caiado (Lagoa do Caiado) is a lake in the central part of the Azores island of Pico. It is the largest on the island and is used for public water...
Lake in Pico
Laguna do Capitão
Laguna do Capitão (Lagoa do Capitão) is the most beautiful and photographed lagoon on the Azores island of Pico. It offers a great view of the Pico volcano....
Lake in Pico
Laguna do Paul
Laguna do Paul (Lagoa do Paul) is an extraordinarily beautiful lake in the center of the Azores island of Pico. Most of the time, due to its low-lying location...
Viewing point in Pico
Moinho de São João
Moinho de São João (Moinho de Vento da Ponta Rasa, Moinho do Misterio de São João) is a bright red mill built in the 1950s, it served as an important place for...
Museum in Pico
Museum of the Whaling Industry
The Museum of the Whaling Industry (Museu da Industria Baleira) is a museum that tells the story of whaling. The exhibits show about fishing and hunting...
Volcano in Pico
Pico Volcano
The Pico volcano (Montanha do Pico, Ponta do Pico) is the highest point of the Azores and the whole of Portugal. The peak of the Pico volcano reaches an...
Beach in Pico
Piscina Natural
Piscina Natural Beach is a long coastal promenade with concrete buildings that form a swimming pool. For the convenience of swimming, the beach is equipped...