The Caribbean

The Caribbean
The Caribbean

The Caribbean is a region southeast of North America, east of Central America, and northwest of South America in the Caribbean Sea. It includes more than seven thousand islands.

The Caribbean islands are divided into three main island groups: the Bahamas, the Greater Antilles and the Lesser Antilles.

Geopolitically, the territories of the Caribbean countries are often called the "West Indies" and are considered as a subregion of North America consisting of 28 territories, including sovereign States and dependent territories.

The name "Caribbean" was given in honor of the Caribs, one of the groups of Indians who were at the time of the discovery of territories by Europe at the end of the XV century.

The second term "West Indies" comes from Christopher Columbus, who initially believed that he landed in India, which at that moment was considered the whole of Southeast Asia.

All countries in the Caribbean

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