
Churches in Batumi

Church in Batumi
St. Nicholas Church
Church of St. Nicholas (ბათუმის წმ. ნიკოლოზის სახელობის ტაძარი) is a historic Church in the centre of Batumi, was built in 1865. One of the most beautiful...
Church in Batumi
Armenian Church of the Holy Christ the Savior
Armenian Church of Holy Christ the Savior (Բաթումի Քրիստոս Սուրբ Ամենափրկիչ եկեղեցի, ბათუმის ქრისტეს წმინდა სომხური ეკლესია) is the Church of the Armenian...
Church in Batumi
The Church of the Holy Spirit
Church of the Holy spirit (ბათუმის სულიწმინდის ტაძარი) is a Catholic Church built in 1990 Georgian architects. The exterior attracts attention with its unusual...